For a visual guide, use the class block grid.
M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, RORG=Thursday organizational meeting, FORG=Friday organizational meeting
Spring 2025 classroom changes:
- ARTH 275 / COMP 275 moves to Schow 030A starting Tuesday, February 18.
- CSCI 374 moves to Wachenheim 117 starting Monday, February 10.
- ECON 471 moves to Wachenheim 113 starting Wednesday, February 12.
- ECON 367 moves to Schow 030B starting Tuesday, February 18.
- ENGL 312 / ENVI 315 moves to Hollander 258 starting Tuesday, February 11.
- ENGL 395 moves to Paresky 220 starting Wednesday, February 12.
- MATH 412 / BIOL 420 moves to Wachenheim 114 starting Tuesday, February 11.
- STAT 346 moves to Wachenheim 116 starting Tuesday, February 11.
- AAS 125 - 01AAS 125 - 01 Introduction to Asian American StudiesTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSawyer Mabie Room1438
- AAS 216 - 01AAS 216 - 01 Asian/American Identities in MotionWF 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671258
- AAS 252 - 01AAS 252 - 01 Im/mobilitiesMR 2:35pm-3:50pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041308
- AAS 284 - 01AAS 284 - 01 Asian American HistoryCancelled1480
- AAS 304 - 01AAS 304 - 01 Queer in Asian AmericaTR 8:30am-9:45amSawyer 5081973
- AAS 313 - 01AAS 313 - 01 Gender, Race, and the Power of Personal AestheticsCancelled1575
- AAS 351 - T1AAS 351 - T1 Racism in Public HealthTBA1406
- AAS 384 - 01AAS 384 - 01 Comparative History of Science and Medicine in Asian/Pacific America, 1800-PresentCancelled1943
- AAS 402 - 01AAS 402 - 01 Marxist Feminisms: Race, Performance, LaborW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 3171444
- AAS 497 - 01AAS 497 - 01 Independent Study: Asian American StudiesTBA1008
- AFR 159 - T1AFR 159 - T1 Crossing the Color Line: A History of PassingTBA1465
- AFR 170 - 01AFR 170 - 01 What is Race in Black Studies?W 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1291356
- AFR 200 - 01AFR 200 - 01 Introduction to Africana StudiesTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchapiro Hall 2411357
- AFR 201 - 01AFR 201 - 01 African Dance and PercussionMR 1:10pm-3:50pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1253
- AFR 221 - 01AFR 221 - 01 Giving God a Backbeat: Rap Music, Religion & SpiritualityTR 9:55am-11:10amSawyer Mabie Room1359
- AFR 245 - 01AFR 245 - 01 Dancing with the Hips, Butt, and Pelvis: Dangerous Bodies and Community TraditionsWF 2:10pm-3:50pmGreylock Dance1981
- AFR 247 - 01AFR 247 - 01 Circa 1492: A Black Studies PerspectiveMW 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 21361
- AFR 255 - 01AFR 255 - 01 Race, Environment, and the BodyTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0021362
- AFR 260 - 01AFR 260 - 01 1930s Black LiteratureTR 11:20am-12:35pmHollander 2411631
- AFR 262 - 01AFR 262 - 01 Young, Gifted & Black : Meditations on the Revolutionary Black American Theatre CanonM 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1996
- AFR 265 - 01AFR 265 - 01 Afrodiasporic Communities: Marronage, Quilombismo, and Black TownsMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 51366
- AFR 279 - 01AFR 279 - 01 African American History Since 1865TF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0011478
- AFR 291 - 01AFR 291 - 01 Africana Studies Approaches to AIMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 2411370
- AFR 321 - 01AFR 321 - 01 Trending Black: Race & Social Media in the 21st CenturyCancelled1371
- AFR 326 - 01AFR 326 - 01 Gender, Race, and the Power of Personal AestheticsCancelled1576
- AFR 328 - 01AFR 328 - 01 Poetry of Indignation: Poetics and Transnational LiberationCancelled1337
- AFR 386 - 01AFR 386 - 01 The Maghreb in Europe: Colonialism, Migration, and RacismW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411989
- AFR 440 - 01AFR 440 - 01 CAPSTONE: Performing BlacknessW 1:10pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671372
- AFR 494 - 01AFR 494 - 01 Honors DossierTBA1373
- AFR 497 - 01AFR 497 - 01 Independent Study: Africana StudiesTBA1374
- AMST 101 - 01AMST 101 - 01 America: The Nation and Its DiscontentsTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock D1436
- AMST 107 - 01AMST 107 - 01 Arts of Ancestral Native and Indigenous North AmericaTR 9:55am-11:10amLawrence 2311379
- AMST 109 - 01AMST 109 - 01 Global Islamophobia: Crisis of the State and Reconfiguration of Global PowerMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 21998
- AMST 113 - 01AMST 113 - 01 The Feminist Poetry MovementTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5081561
- AMST 125 - 01AMST 125 - 01 Introduction to Asian American StudiesTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSawyer Mabie Room1437
- AMST 150 - 01AMST 150 - 01 Data for JusticeTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock A1032
- AMST 150 - 02AMST 150 - 02 Data for JusticeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGreylock A1033
- AMST 164 - 01AMST 164 - 01 Communications in Early AmericaMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411468
- AMST 209 - 01AMST 209 - 01 Latinx Visual ArtsTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock Makepeace1569
- AMST 213 - 01AMST 213 - 01 Asian/American Identities in MotionWF 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671259
- AMST 244 - 01AMST 244 - 01 What They Saw in AmericaMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 11304
- AMST 252 - 01AMST 252 - 01 Im/mobilitiesMR 2:35pm-3:50pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041309
- AMST 257 - 01AMST 257 - 01 Race, Environment, and the BodyTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0021363
- AMST 258 - 01AMST 258 - 01 Transatlantic Political TheoryMWF 11:00am-12:15pmSawyer 5011965
- AMST 262 - 01AMST 262 - 01 Race-Making and the Politics of PerformanceMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 11967
- AMST 267 - 01AMST 267 - 01 The Roaring Twenties and the Rough ThirtiesMWF 11:00am-12:15pmHorn Hall 103C1476
- AMST 268 - 01AMST 268 - 01 Young, Gifted & Black : Meditations on the Revolutionary Black American Theatre CanonM 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)2001
- AMST 284 - 01AMST 284 - 01 Asian American HistoryCancelled1481
- AMST 301 - 01AMST 301 - 01 Theories and Methods in American Studies (Junior Seminar)TR 11:20am-12:35pmGreylock D1439
- AMST 304 - 01AMST 304 - 01 Queer in Asian AmericaTR 8:30am-9:45amSawyer 5081969
- AMST 313 - 01AMST 313 - 01 Gender, Race, and the Power of Personal AestheticsCancelled1577
- AMST 326 - 01AMST 326 - 01 Unfinishing AmericaTF 2:35pm-3:50pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041440
- AMST 360 - 01AMST 360 - 01 The Atlantic World: Connections, Crossings, and ConfluencesTR 9:55am-11:10amGriffin 71492
- AMST 364 - 01AMST 364 - 01 Trans Film and MediaM 7:00pm-9:40pmSchapiro Hall 1291333
- AMST 383 - 01AMST 383 - 01 Comparative History of Science and Medicine in Asian/Pacific America, 1800-PresentCancelled1944
- AMST 390 - 01AMST 390 - 01 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1336
- AMST 390 - 02AMST 390 - 02 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1978
- AMST 397 - 01AMST 397 - 01 Independent Study: American StudiesTBA1442
- AMST 402 - 01AMST 402 - 01 Marxist Feminisms: Race, Performance, LaborW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 3171443
- AMST 406 - 01AMST 406 - 01 Environmental Planning Workshop: Community Project ExperienceW 1:10pm-3:50pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041286
- AMST 406 - 02AMST 406 - 02 Environmental Planning Workshop: Community Project ExperienceT 1:10pm-2:10pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041287
- AMST 406 - 03AMST 406 - 03 Environmental Planning Workshop: Community Project ExperienceR 1:10pm-2:10pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041288
- AMST 407 - 01AMST 407 - 01 Colonialism and Critical TheoryMW 11:00am-12:15pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1446
- AMST 427 - 01AMST 427 - 01 Anticolonial Approaches to the Arts of Ancestral Indigenous AmericansR 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0021400
- AMST 491 - 01AMST 491 - 01 Senior Honors Project: American StudiesTBA1448
- ANSO 305 - 01ANSO 305 - 01 Social TheoryTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock C1283
- ANTH 101 - 01ANTH 101 - 01 How To Be HumanTR 8:30am-9:45amHopkins Hall 0011284
- ANTH 209 - 01ANTH 209 - 01 Siberia: Region Making and Imperial Imagination in RussiaTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 1401861
- ANTH 211 - 01ANTH 211 - 01 Music, Nationalism, and Popular CultureTF 1:10pm-2:25pmBernhard 301529
- ANTH 216 - T1ANTH 216 - T1 Cities and Urbanism of the Ancient WorldTBA1285
- ANTH 225 - 01ANTH 225 - 01 Ways of SeeingTR 11:20am-12:35pmHollander 1401290
- ANTH 255 - 01ANTH 255 - 01 Buddhism: Ideas and PracticesCancelled1846
- ANTH 260 - 01ANTH 260 - 01 Great Dramas of ArchaeologyTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2581291
- ANTH 322 - 01ANTH 322 - 01 Waste and ValueW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 2401292
- ANTH 397 - 01ANTH 397 - 01 Independent Study: AnthropologyTBA1295
- ANTH 493 - 01ANTH 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: AnthropologyTBA1296
- ARAB 101 - 01ARAB 101 - 01 Elementary ArabicM-F 9:00am-9:50amJeddeeniGriffin 41949
- ARAB 102 - 01ARAB 102 - 01 Elementary ArabicCancelled1321
- ARAB 108 - 01ARAB 108 - 01 Global Islamophobia: Crisis of the State and Reconfiguration of Global PowerMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 21999
- ARAB 201 - 01ARAB 201 - 01 Intermediate Arabic ITR 9:55am-11:10amJeddeeniGriffin 41322
- ARAB 222 - 01ARAB 222 - 01 Photography in/of the Middle EastTF 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 0031394
- ARAB 231 - 01ARAB 231 - 01 Race and PerformanceTR 11:20am-12:35pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1672010
- ARAB 243 - 01ARAB 243 - 01 Islamic Law: Past and PresentMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0401839
- ARAB 301 - 01ARAB 301 - 01 Advanced Arabic 1MWF 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 1011325
- ARAB 320 - 01ARAB 320 - 01 Poetry of Indignation: Poetics and Transnational LiberationCancelled1327
- ARAB 332 - 01ARAB 332 - 01 Islam and FeminismMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 0401853
- ARAB 335 - 01ARAB 335 - 01 Rhymes, Romance, and Revolution: Arabic Poetry in TranslationCancelled1951
- ARAB 360 - 01ARAB 360 - 01 Repairing a Broken World: Intro to North African Contemporary ArtTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411751
- ARAB 369 - 01ARAB 369 - 01 Indigenous Narratives: From the Fourth World to the Global SouthMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2411728
- ARAB 384 - 01ARAB 384 - 01 The Maghreb in Europe: Colonialism, Migration, and RacismW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411988
- ARAB 407 - 01ARAB 407 - 01 Arabic Poetry: A Musical IntroductionMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 1401831
- ARAB 414 - 01ARAB 414 - 01 Displacement: Global Histories of Refugees and Forced MigrationM 7:00pm-9:40pmGriffin 11503
- ARAB 493 - 01ARAB 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Arabic StudiesTBA1352
- ARAB 497 - 01ARAB 497 - 01 Independent Study: ArabicTBA1353
- ARTH 103 - 01ARTH 103 - 01 Introduction to East Asian ArtMW 11:00am-12:15pmLawrence 2311354
- ARTH 106 - 01ARTH 106 - 01 An Invitation to World ArchitectureTR 11:20am-12:35pmLawrence 2311358
- ARTH 106 - 02ARTH 106 - 02 An Invitation to World ArchitectureW 8:30am-9:45amLawrence 0011367
- ARTH 106 - 03ARTH 106 - 03 An Invitation to World ArchitectureW 11:00am-12:15pmLawrence 0011368
- ARTH 106 - 04ARTH 106 - 04 An Invitation to World ArchitectureW 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 0011369
- ARTH 107 - 01ARTH 107 - 01 Arts of Ancestral Native and Indigenous North AmericaTR 9:55am-11:10amLawrence 2311378
- ARTH 201 - 01ARTH 201 - 01 Latinx Visual ArtsTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock Makepeace1570
- ARTH 202 - 01ARTH 202 - 01 Theories of Performance and PerformativityW 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0021382
- ARTH 204 - 01ARTH 204 - 01 Historical Research in Dance and Performance StudiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671248
- ARTH 213 - 01ARTH 213 - 01 The Human Figure in the Ancient MediterraneanMR 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 0031383
- ARTH 215 - 01ARTH 215 - 01 Envisioning the Sacred: Representation and Religion in Christian and Muslim CulturesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmLawrence 0021385
- ARTH 218 - T1ARTH 218 - T1 From the Battlefield to the Hermit's Cell: Art and Experience in Norman EuropeTBA1388
- ARTH 222 - 01ARTH 222 - 01 Photography in/of the Middle EastTF 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 0031393
- ARTH 235 - 01ARTH 235 - 01 Taswirkhana: Technique and Practice of Indian Drawing and PaintingMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSpencer 2221420
- ARTH 262 - 01ARTH 262 - 01 Modern ArchitectureTR 8:30am-9:45amLawrence 2311927
- ARTH 300 - 01ARTH 300 - 01 Experimental Documentary Forms and the ArchiveT 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0011396
- ARTH 302 - 01ARTH 302 - 01 Methodologies of Art HistoryTR 9:55am-11:10amLawrence 0031397
- ARTH 400 - 01ARTH 400 - 01 Clark Visiting Professor Seminar: Art, Media, and Politics in the Weimar RepublicM 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room1667
- ARTH 409 - 01ARTH 409 - 01 Homer, Eakins, Sargent: American Painters in a Changing WorldW 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0031398
- ARTH 428 - 01ARTH 428 - 01 Anticolonial Approaches to the Arts of Ancestral Indigenous AmericansR 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0021399
- ARTH 460 - 01ARTH 460 - 01 Repairing a Broken World: Intro to North African Contemporary ArtTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411752
- ARTH 497 - 01ARTH 497 - 01 Independent Study: Art HistoryTBA1401
- ARTH 500 - 01ARTH 500 - 01 Clark Visiting Professor Seminar: Art, Media, and Politics in the Weimar RepublicM 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room1666
- ARTH 504 - 01ARTH 504 - 01 Proseminar in Research and MethodT 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room1668
- ARTH 507 - 01ARTH 507 - 01 Object WorkshopTBA1669
- ARTH 512 - 01ARTH 512 - 01 Why Look at Animals? Animality in Contemporary ArtT 10:00am-12:50pmClark Art Seminar Room1670
- ARTH 539 - 01ARTH 539 - 01 The Matter of French Encounter (1564-1789)Cancelled1671
- ARTH 555 - 01ARTH 555 - 01 Picturing Time in American ArtR 10:00am-12:50pmMurokhClark Art Seminar Room1960
- ARTH 560 - 01ARTH 560 - 01 Repairing a Broken World: Intro to North African Contemporary ArtTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411753
- ARTH 563 - 01ARTH 563 - 01 Contemporary Curatorial WorkshopW 4:00pm-6:00pmClark Art Seminar Room1672
- ARTH 578 - 01ARTH 578 - 01 The "Book" Dissected: Making and Meaning in Medieval ManuscriptsCancelled1673
- ARTH 579 - 01ARTH 579 - 01 Art and the Body in Ancient ChinaW 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room1674
- ARTH 590 - 01ARTH 590 - 01 Guillaume Lethière (1760-1832) and Caribbean Networks in France during the 18th and 19th centuriesM 10:00am-12:50pmClark Art Seminar Room1675
- ARTS 102 - 01ARTS 102 - 01 Drawing IM 10:00am-12:50pmSpencer 3181402
- ARTS 104 - 01ARTS 104 - 01 Drawing IF 10:00am-12:50pmSpencer 3181404
- ARTS 122 - 01ARTS 122 - 01 Intro to Photography: Identity and the Absence of RepresentationW 10:00am-12:50pmSpencer 1121408
- ARTS 132 - 01ARTS 132 - 01 Introduction to Sculpture: From Multiples to InflatablesW 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 1271409
- ARTS 133 - 01ARTS 133 - 01 Introduction to Video ArtR 9:55am-12:35pmSpencer 2161410
- ARTS 200 - 01ARTS 200 - 01 Designing Character: Introduction to Costume Design for PerformanceW 1:10pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Design Room 181226
- ARTS 204 - T1ARTS 204 - T1 Introduction to Performance Art: Bodies, Borders and ResistanceT 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 1121411
- ARTS 222 - 01ARTS 222 - 01 Critical Practice of Architecture: Theories, Methods, and TechniquesÂTR 9:55am-11:10amSpencer 2191412
- ARTS 236 - 01ARTS 236 - 01 LINOCUTS! An introduction to relief printingW 8:30am-12:50pmSpencer 1241415
- ARTS 241 - 01ARTS 241 - 01 Introduction to Oil PaintingM 7:00pm-9:40pmSpencer 2251416
- ARTS 244 - 01ARTS 244 - 01 Taswirkhana: Technique and Practice of Indian Drawing and PaintingMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSpencer 2221417
- ARTS 269 - 01ARTS 269 - 01 Intermediate Digital VideoF 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 2161423
- ARTS 316 - 01ARTS 316 - 01 Governing Cities by Design: the Built Environment as a Technology of SpaceTR 8:30am-9:45amSpencer 2121278
- ARTS 319 - 01ARTS 319 - 01 Junior SeminarT 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 223 Tutorial Room1425
- ARTS 328 - T1ARTS 328 - T1 The Art of Almost NothingW 10:00am-12:50pmSpencer 3191426
- ARTS 369 - 01ARTS 369 - 01 QUILTY!R 11:20am-12:35pm
R 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 217
Spencer 2171427 - ARTS 497 - 01ARTS 497 - 01 Independent Study: Art StudioTBA1428
- ASIA 103 - 01ASIA 103 - 01 Introduction to East Asian ArtMW 11:00am-12:15pmLawrence 2311355
- ASIA 131 - 01ASIA 131 - 01 Introduction to Japanese Formal LinguisticsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0401798
- ASIA 195 - 01ASIA 195 - 01 Elementary KoreanTBA1809
- ASIA 197 - 01ASIA 197 - 01 Elementary Hindi-UrduTBA1807
- ASIA 201 - 01ASIA 201 - 01 Accelerated Chinese on Special Topics for Heritage SpeakersMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2581785
- ASIA 202 - 01ASIA 202 - 01 De-Centering Imperial China, 960-1800TR 11:20am-12:35pmHopkins Hall 0011470
- ASIA 212 - 01ASIA 212 - 01 Envisioning the Sacred: Representation and Religion in Christian and Muslim CulturesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmLawrence 0021386
- ASIA 216 - 01ASIA 216 - 01 Asian/American Identities in MotionWF 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671260
- ASIA 217 - 01ASIA 217 - 01 Premodern JapanCancelled1472
- ASIA 226 - 01ASIA 226 - 01 Chinese Film and Its Significant OthersTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 0401787
- ASIA 239 - 01ASIA 239 - 01 Taswirkhana: Technique and Practice of Indian Drawing and PaintingMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSpencer 2221418
- ASIA 243 - 01ASIA 243 - 01 Islamic Law: Past and PresentMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0401840
- ASIA 253 - 01ASIA 253 - 01 Love and Death in Modern Japanese Literature and Visual CultureTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0011715
- ASIA 255 - 01ASIA 255 - 01 Buddhism: Ideas and PracticesCancelled1847
- ASIA 297 - 01ASIA 297 - 01 Intermediate KoreanTBA1815
- ASIA 315 - 01ASIA 315 - 01 Minorities and the State in Modern East AsiaCancelled1487
- ASIA 353 - 01ASIA 353 - 01 Separation: An Introduction to Postcolonial LiteratureTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 2411644
- ASIA 421 - 01ASIA 421 - 01 Chinese Societies through the lens of COVID-19TF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2581790
- ASIA 481 - T1ASIA 481 - T1 History of TaiwanTBA1506
- ASIA 493 - 01ASIA 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Asian StudiesTBA1009
- ASIA 497 - 01ASIA 497 - 01 Independent Study: Asian StudiesTBA1011
- ASTR 101 - 01ASTR 101 - 01 Stars: From Suns to Black HolesTR 9:55am-11:10amPhysics 2031638
- ASTR 101 - 02ASTR 101 - 02 Stars: From Suns to Black HolesT 1:00pm-2:30pm1639
- ASTR 101 - 03ASTR 101 - 03 Stars: From Suns to Black HolesT 2:30pm-4:00pm1640
- ASTR 101 - 04ASTR 101 - 04 Stars: From Suns to Black HolesW 1:00pm-2:30pm1641
- ASTR 101 - 05ASTR 101 - 05 Stars: From Suns to Black HolesW 2:30pm-4:00pm1642
- ASTR 111 - 01ASTR 111 - 01 Introduction to AstrophysicsTR 11:20am-12:35pmPhysics 2051649
- ASTR 111 - 02ASTR 111 - 02 Introduction to AstrophysicsM 1:10pm-3:50pm1650
- ASTR 111 - 03ASTR 111 - 03 Introduction to AstrophysicsR 1:10pm-3:50pm1651
- ASTR 413 - 01ASTR 413 - 01 Building Stars: A Physical Model of Stellar StructureTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchow Science Library 0271928
- ASTR 493 - 01ASTR 493 - 01 Senior Research: AstronomyTBA1656
- ASTR 495 - 01ASTR 495 - 01 Senior Research: AstrophysicsTBA1659
- ASTR 497 - 01ASTR 497 - 01 Independent Study: Astronomy or AstrophysicsTBA1657
- ASTR 499 - 01ASTR 499 - 01 Physics and Astronomy ColloquiumF 2:35pm-3:50pmPhysics 2051625
- BIMO 321 - 01BIMO 321 - 01 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchapiro Hall 1291109
- BIMO 321 - 02BIMO 321 - 02 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesT 1:00pm-5:00pm1110
- BIMO 321 - 03BIMO 321 - 03 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesW 1:00pm-5:00pm1111
- BIMO 321 - 04BIMO 321 - 04 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesR 1:00pm-5:00pm1956
- BIOL 101 - 01BIOL 101 - 01 The CellMWF 9:00am-9:50amBiology 1121118
- BIOL 101 - 02BIOL 101 - 02 The CellMWF 10:00am-10:50amBiology 1121119
- BIOL 101 - 03BIOL 101 - 03 The CellTR 8:30am-9:45amBiology 1121120
- BIOL 101 - 04BIOL 101 - 04 The CellTR 9:55am-11:10amBiology 1121121
- BIOL 101 - 05BIOL 101 - 05 The CellM 1:00pm-3:50pm1122
- BIOL 101 - 06BIOL 101 - 06 The CellT 1:00pm-3:50pm1123
- BIOL 101 - 07BIOL 101 - 07 The CellW 1:00pm-3:50pm1124
- BIOL 101 - 08BIOL 101 - 08 The CellR 1:00pm-3:50pm1125
- BIOL 101 - 09BIOL 101 - 09 The CellT 1:00pm-3:50pm1126
- BIOL 101 - 10BIOL 101 - 10 The CellW 1:00pm-3:50pm1127
- BIOL 101 - 11BIOL 101 - 11 The CellR 1:00pm-3:50pm1128
- BIOL 133 - 01BIOL 133 - 01 Biology of Exercise and NutritionTR 8:30am-9:45amChemistry 1231129
- BIOL 133 - 02BIOL 133 - 02 Biology of Exercise and NutritionT 1:00pm-3:50pm1130
- BIOL 133 - 03BIOL 133 - 03 Biology of Exercise and NutritionW 1:00pm-3:50pm1131
- BIOL 133 - 04BIOL 133 - 04 Biology of Exercise and NutritionR 1:00pm-3:50pm1132
- BIOL 202 - 01BIOL 202 - 01 GeneticsMWF 11:00am-11:50amWachenheim B111133
- BIOL 202 - 02BIOL 202 - 02 GeneticsM 1:00pm-3:50pm1134
- BIOL 202 - 03BIOL 202 - 03 GeneticsT 1:00pm-3:50pm1135
- BIOL 202 - 04BIOL 202 - 04 GeneticsW 1:00pm-3:50pm1136
- BIOL 202 - 05BIOL 202 - 05 GeneticsR 1:00pm-3:50pm1137
- BIOL 203 - 01BIOL 203 - 01 EcologyTR 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 0151138
- BIOL 203 - 02BIOL 203 - 02 EcologyT 1:00pm-3:50pm1139
- BIOL 203 - 03BIOL 203 - 03 EcologyW 1:00pm-3:50pm1140
- BIOL 203 - 04BIOL 203 - 04 EcologyR 1:00pm-4:00pm2004
- BIOL 209 - T1BIOL 209 - T1 Animal CommunicationTBA1144
- BIOL 212 - 01BIOL 212 - 01 NeuroscienceTR 9:55am-11:10amChemistry 1231205
- BIOL 212 - 02BIOL 212 - 02 NeuroscienceM 1:00pm-4:00pm1206
- BIOL 212 - 03BIOL 212 - 03 NeuroscienceT 1:00pm-4:00pm1207
- BIOL 212 - 04BIOL 212 - 04 NeuroscienceW 1:00pm-4:00pm1208
- BIOL 231 - 01BIOL 231 - 01 Marine EcologyTR 10:30am-11:45am1918
- BIOL 231 - 02BIOL 231 - 02 Marine EcologyTR 1:00pm-4:30pm1919
- BIOL 297 - 01BIOL 297 - 01 Independent Study: BiologyTBA1146
- BIOL 303 - 01BIOL 303 - 01 PharmacologyMWF 10:00am-10:50amBiology 2021147
- BIOL 303 - 02BIOL 303 - 02 PharmacologyT 1:00pm-3:50pm1148
- BIOL 303 - 03BIOL 303 - 03 PharmacologyW 1:00pm-3:50pm1149
- BIOL 308 - 01BIOL 308 - 01 Integrative Plant Biology: Fundamentals and New FrontiersTR 9:55am-11:10amBiology 2021150
- BIOL 308 - 02BIOL 308 - 02 Integrative Plant Biology: Fundamentals and New FrontiersT 1:00pm-3:50pm1151
- BIOL 308 - 03BIOL 308 - 03 Integrative Plant Biology: Fundamentals and New FrontiersW 1:00pm-3:50pm1152
- BIOL 321 - 01BIOL 321 - 01 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchapiro Hall 1291112
- BIOL 321 - 02BIOL 321 - 02 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesT 1:00pm-5:00pm1113
- BIOL 321 - 03BIOL 321 - 03 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesW 1:00pm-5:00pm1114
- BIOL 321 - 04BIOL 321 - 04 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesR 1:00pm-5:00pm1958
- BIOL 427 - 01BIOL 427 - 01 The Nitrogen ProblemTR 9:55am-11:10amHopper Sci (South Sci) 2211934
- BIOL 437 - 01BIOL 437 - 01 Neural Flexibility: plasticity, modulation and evolutionMW 11:00am-12:15pmWachenheim 0021153
- BIOL 438 - 01BIOL 438 - 01 Species Interactions Under Global ChangeCancelled1154
- BIOL 493 - 01BIOL 493 - 01 Senior Thesis Research: BiologyF 1:10pm-2:25pmBiology 1121156
- CAOS 104 - 01CAOS 104 - 01 OceanographyTR 9:55am-11:10amChemistry 2021177
- CAOS 104 - 02CAOS 104 - 02 OceanographyT 1:00pm-3:00pmWachenheim 1051178
- CAOS 104 - 03CAOS 104 - 03 OceanographyW 1:00pm-3:00pmWachenheim 1051179
- CAOS 210 - 01CAOS 210 - 01 Oceanographic ProcessesTR 9:00am-10:15am1908
- CAOS 210 - 02CAOS 210 - 02 Oceanographic ProcessesTR 1:00pm-4:30pm1909
- CAOS 216 - 01CAOS 216 - 01 GlobalizationTR 8:30am-9:45amSchapiro Hall 1291874
- CAOS 216 - 02CAOS 216 - 02 GlobalizationTR 9:55am-11:10amSchapiro Hall 1291875
- CAOS 231 - 01CAOS 231 - 01 Literature of the SeaMW 10:30am-11:45amSchaumberg1914
- CAOS 269 - 01CAOS 269 - 01 Environmental Law and PolicyTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0021266
- CAOS 311 - 01CAOS 311 - 01 Marine EcologyTR 10:30am-11:45am1916
- CAOS 311 - 02CAOS 311 - 02 Marine EcologyTR 1:00pm-4:30pm1917
- CAOS 327 - 01CAOS 327 - 01 Coastal Processes and GeomorphologyMWF 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 0021192
- CAOS 351 - 01CAOS 351 - 01 Marine PolicyF 9:00am-12:00pmLanghauser1920
- CAOS 352 - 01CAOS 352 - 01 American Maritime HistoryMW 9:00am-10:15am1923
- CAOS 361 - 01CAOS 361 - 01 The Atlantic World: Connections, Crossings, and ConfluencesTR 9:55am-11:10amGriffin 71493
- CAOS 397 - 01CAOS 397 - 01 Independent Study: Coastal and Ocean StudiesTBA1925
- CAOS 438 - 01CAOS 438 - 01 Species Interactions Under Global ChangeCancelled1155
- CAOS 477 - 01CAOS 477 - 01 Economics of Environmental BehaviorTR 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 11896
- CAOS 493 - 01CAOS 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Coastal and Ocean StudiesTBA1926
- CHEM 100 - 01CHEM 100 - 01 Chemistry MattersMWF 9:00am-9:50amChemistry 2061070
- CHEM 100 - 02CHEM 100 - 02 Chemistry MattersW 1:00pm-4:00pm1071
- CHEM 100 - 03CHEM 100 - 03 Chemistry MattersR 1:00pm-4:00pm1072
- CHEM 101 - 01CHEM 101 - 01 Concepts of ChemistryMWF 10:00am-10:50amChemistry 2021073
- CHEM 101 - 02CHEM 101 - 02 Concepts of ChemistryMWF 11:00am-11:50amChemistry 1231074
- CHEM 101 - 03CHEM 101 - 03 Concepts of ChemistryM 1:00pm-5:00pm1075
- CHEM 101 - 04CHEM 101 - 04 Concepts of ChemistryT 1:00pm-5:00pm1076
- CHEM 101 - 05CHEM 101 - 05 Concepts of ChemistryW 1:00pm-5:00pm1077
- CHEM 101 - 06CHEM 101 - 06 Concepts of ChemistryR 1:00pm-5:00pm1078
- CHEM 101 - 07CHEM 101 - 07 Concepts of ChemistryM 1:00pm-5:00pm1079
- CHEM 101 - 08CHEM 101 - 08 Concepts of ChemistryCancelled1080
- CHEM 201 - 01CHEM 201 - 01 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelMWF 9:00am-9:50amChemistry 1231082
- CHEM 201 - 02CHEM 201 - 02 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelMWF 10:00am-10:50amChemistry 1231083
- CHEM 201 - 03CHEM 201 - 03 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelM 1:00pm-5:00pm1084
- CHEM 201 - 04CHEM 201 - 04 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelT 1:00pm-5:00pm1085
- CHEM 201 - 05CHEM 201 - 05 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelW 1:00pm-5:00pm1086
- CHEM 201 - 06CHEM 201 - 06 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelR 1:00pm-5:00pm1087
- CHEM 201 - 07CHEM 201 - 07 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelM 1:00pm-5:00pm1088
- CHEM 201 - 08CHEM 201 - 08 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelTBACancelled1089
- CHEM 201 - 09CHEM 201 - 09 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelW 1:00pm-5:00pm1090
- CHEM 201 - 10CHEM 201 - 10 Organic Chemistry: Introductory LevelT 8:00am-12:00pm1091
- CHEM 321 - 01CHEM 321 - 01 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchapiro Hall 1291115
- CHEM 321 - 02CHEM 321 - 02 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesT 1:00pm-5:00pm1116
- CHEM 321 - 03CHEM 321 - 03 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesW 1:00pm-5:00pm1117
- CHEM 321 - 04CHEM 321 - 04 Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological MoleculesR 1:00pm-5:00pm1957
- CHEM 336 - 01CHEM 336 - 01 Materials ChemistryTR 8:30am-9:45amChemistry 2021092
- CHEM 363 - 01CHEM 363 - 01 Environmental Fate of Organic ChemicalsTR 9:55am-11:10amPhysics 1141093
- CHEM 363 - 02CHEM 363 - 02 Environmental Fate of Organic ChemicalsT 1:00pm-5:00pm1094
- CHEM 363 - 03CHEM 363 - 03 Environmental Fate of Organic ChemicalsR 1:00pm-5:00pm1095
- CHEM 366 - 01CHEM 366 - 01 Thermodynamics and Statistical MechanicsMWF 11:00am-12:15pmChemistry 2061103
- CHEM 366 - 02CHEM 366 - 02 Thermodynamics and Statistical MechanicsT 1:00pm-5:00pm1104
- CHEM 393 - 01CHEM 393 - 01 Junior Research and Thesis: ChemistryTBA1105
- CHEM 397 - 01CHEM 397 - 01 Independent Study, for Juniors: ChemistryTBA1106
- CHEM 493 - 01CHEM 493 - 01 Senior Research and ThesisF 1:10pm-2:25pm1108
- CHEM 494 - 01CHEM 494 - 01 Senior Research and ThesisF 1:10pm-2:25pm1961
- CHEM 497 - 01CHEM 497 - 01 Independent Study, for Seniors: ChemistryTBA1107
- CHIN 101 - 01CHIN 101 - 01 Basic ChineseMWF 9:00am-9:50am
TR 8:55am-9:45amHollander 040
Hollander 0401775 - CHIN 101 - 02CHIN 101 - 02 Basic ChineseM-F 10:00am-10:50amHollander 0401776
- CHIN 200 - 01CHIN 200 - 01 Accelerated Chinese on Special Topics for Heritage SpeakersMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2581784
- CHIN 201 - 01CHIN 201 - 01 Intermediate Chinese IMWF 9:00am-9:50am
TR 8:55am-9:45amSawyer 501
Sawyer 5011777 - CHIN 201 - 02CHIN 201 - 02 Intermediate Chinese IM-F 10:00am-10:50amSawyer 5011778
- CHIN 226 - 01CHIN 226 - 01 Chinese Film and Its Significant OthersTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 0401786
- CHIN 301 - 01CHIN 301 - 01 Upper-Intermediate Chinese ITR 11:20am-12:35pmHollander 2401779
- CHIN 301 - 02CHIN 301 - 02 Upper-Intermediate Chinese IMW 11:00am-11:50amHollander 2581780
- CHIN 301 - 03CHIN 301 - 03 Upper-Intermediate Chinese IMW 10:00am-10:50amHollander 2582009
- CHIN 312 - 01CHIN 312 - 01 Introduction to Classical ChineseMWF 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2401781
- CHIN 312 - 02CHIN 312 - 02 Introduction to Classical ChineseMWF 11:00am-12:15pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1042030
- CHIN 401 - 01CHIN 401 - 01 Advanced Chinese IMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGreylock D1782
- CHIN 401 - 02CHIN 401 - 02 Advanced Chinese IW 1:10pm-2:00pmHollander 1401783
- CHIN 401 - 03CHIN 401 - 03 Advanced Chinese IW 2:10pm-3:00pmHollander 1401970
- CHIN 421 - 01CHIN 421 - 01 Chinese Societies through the lens of COVID-19TF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2581789
- CHIN 493 - 01CHIN 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: ChineseTBA1792
- CHIN 497 - 01CHIN 497 - 01 Independent Study: ChineseTBA1793
- CLAS 101 - 01CLAS 101 - 01 Greek Literature: Performance, Conflict, DesireTR 9:55am-11:10amSchow Library Classroom 030B1819
- CLAS 111 - 01CLAS 111 - 01 Oracle, Prophecy, Possession: Commun(icat)ing with Divine PowersTF 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 1141833
- CLAS 203 - 01CLAS 203 - 01 History of Ancient Greek PhilosophyMWF 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 71589
- CLAS 213 - 01CLAS 213 - 01 The Human Figure in the Ancient MediterraneanMR 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 0031384
- CLAS 493 - 01CLAS 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: ClassicsTBA1823
- CLAS 497 - 01CLAS 497 - 01 Independent Study: ClassicsTBA1824
- CLGR 101 - 01CLGR 101 - 01 Introduction to GreekMWF 11:00am-12:15pmSchapiro Hall 1371825
- CLGR 201 - 01CLGR 201 - 01 Intermediate GreekMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1371826
- CLGR 403 - 01CLGR 403 - 01 Poetry and Revolution in Archaic GreeceTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 1581827
- CLLA 101 - 01CLLA 101 - 01 Introduction to LatinMWF 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 51828
- CLLA 201 - 01CLLA 201 - 01 Intermediate Latin: The Late RepublicMWF 10:00am-10:50amGriffin 51829
- CLLA 414 - 01CLLA 414 - 01 Vergil's Eclogues and GeorgicsTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 1581830
- CMAJ 493 - 01CMAJ 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Contract MajorTBA1002
- CMAJ 497 - 01CMAJ 497 - 01 Independent Study: Contract MajorTBA1003
- COGS 222 - 01COGS 222 - 01 Minds, Brains, and Intelligent Behavior: An Introduction to Cognitive ScienceTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1162
- COGS 224 - 01COGS 224 - 01 Introduction to Formal LinguisticsCancelled1962
- COGS 493 - 01COGS 493 - 01 Advanced Topics in Mind and CognitionW 1:10pm-3:50pmWachenheim 0021165
- COGS 497 - 01COGS 497 - 01 Independent Study: Cognitive ScienceTBA1166
- COMP 101 - 01COMP 101 - 01 Greek Literature: Performance, Conflict, DesireTR 9:55am-11:10amSchow Library Classroom 030B1820
- COMP 106 - 01COMP 106 - 01 TemptationTR 9:55am-11:10amGriffin 51555
- COMP 106 - 02COMP 106 - 02 TemptationTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 51557
- COMP 111 - 01COMP 111 - 01 The Nature of NarrativeTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 1051700
- COMP 117 - 01COMP 117 - 01 Introduction to Cultural TheoryTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 51564
- COMP 117 - 02COMP 117 - 02 Introduction to Cultural TheoryTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 51565
- COMP 151 - 01COMP 151 - 01 The Art of Playing: An Introduction to Theatre and PerformanceMW 11:00am-12:15pmDirecting Studio1199
- COMP 151 - 02COMP 151 - 02 The Art of Playing: An Introduction to Theatre and PerformanceM 7:00pm-9:40pmDirecting Studio1213
- COMP 161 - 01COMP 161 - 01 MetafictionTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 41628
- COMP 201 - 01COMP 201 - 01 The Hebrew BibleTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 0021836
- COMP 227 - T1COMP 227 - T1 Outdoor Pools: Where Eros Meets ThanatosTBA1705
- COMP 231 - T1COMP 231 - T1 PostmodernismTBA1706
- COMP 237 - 01COMP 237 - 01 Medieval WorldsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 1051711
- COMP 255 - 01COMP 255 - 01 Love and Death in Modern Japanese Literature and Visual CultureTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0011713
- COMP 260 - 01COMP 260 - 01 Francophone Graphic NovelsTR 9:55am-11:10amHollander 2581746
- COMP 296 - 01COMP 296 - 01 Chinese Film and Its Significant OthersTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 0401788
- COMP 299 - 01COMP 299 - 01 On Occupations: Work, Colonization and Contemporary LifeW 1:10pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room1637
- COMP 305 - 01COMP 305 - 01 Dostoevsky and the Meaning of LifeMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1291243
- COMP 314 - 01COMP 314 - 01 Paris on Fire: Incendiary Voices from the City of LightMW 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 2401748
- COMP 335 - 01COMP 335 - 01 Poetry of Indignation: Poetics and Transnational LiberationCancelled1331
- COMP 343 - 01COMP 343 - 01 Shakespeare on Page, Stage and Screen: Text to PerformanceMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1228
- COMP 345 - 01COMP 345 - 01 Wonderland(s): Alice in TranslationMWF 8:30am-9:45amHopkins Hall 1051721
- COMP 350 - 01COMP 350 - 01 Separation: An Introduction to Postcolonial LiteratureTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 2411645
- COMP 361 - 01COMP 361 - 01 Repairing a Broken World: Intro to North African Contemporary ArtTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411755
- COMP 369 - 01COMP 369 - 01 Indigenous Narratives: From the Fourth World to the Global SouthMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2411727
- COMP 382 - 01COMP 382 - 01 The Maghreb in Europe: Colonialism, Migration, and RacismW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411990
- COMP 390 - 01COMP 390 - 01 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1338
- COMP 390 - 02COMP 390 - 02 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1979
- COMP 397 - 01COMP 397 - 01 Independent Study: Comparative LiteratureTBA1734
- COMP 493 - 01COMP 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Comparative LiteratureTBA1735
- COMP 497 - 01COMP 497 - 01 Independent Study: Comparative LiteratureTBA1737
- CSCI 104 - 01CSCI 104 - 01 Data Science and Computing for AllMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchow Library Classroom 030B1006
- CSCI 104 - 02CSCI 104 - 02 Data Science and Computing for AllMWF 11:00am-11:50amSchow Library Classroom 030B1007
- CSCI 104 - 03CSCI 104 - 03 Data Science and Computing for AllM 1:00pm-2:30pmSchow Science Library 0271010
- CSCI 104 - 04CSCI 104 - 04 Data Science and Computing for AllM 2:30pm-4:00pmSchow Science Library 0271012
- CSCI 104 - 05CSCI 104 - 05 Data Science and Computing for AllT 1:00pm-2:30pmSchow Science Library 0271013
- CSCI 104 - 06CSCI 104 - 06 Data Science and Computing for AllT 2:30pm-4:00pmSchow Science Library 0271014
- CSCI 134 - 01CSCI 134 - 01 Introduction to Computer ScienceMWF 9:00am-9:50amSchow Library Classroom 030A1015
- CSCI 134 - 02CSCI 134 - 02 Introduction to Computer ScienceMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchow Library Classroom 030A1016
- CSCI 134 - 03CSCI 134 - 03 Introduction to Computer ScienceMWF 11:00am-11:50amSchow Library Classroom 030A1017
- CSCI 134 - 04CSCI 134 - 04 Introduction to Computer ScienceM 1:00pm-2:30pm1018
- CSCI 134 - 05CSCI 134 - 05 Introduction to Computer ScienceM 1:00pm-2:30pm1019
- CSCI 134 - 06CSCI 134 - 06 Introduction to Computer ScienceM 2:30pm-4:00pm1020
- CSCI 134 - 07CSCI 134 - 07 Introduction to Computer ScienceM 2:30pm-4:00pm1021
- CSCI 134 - 08CSCI 134 - 08 Introduction to Computer ScienceT 2:30pm-4:00pm1022
- CSCI 134 - 09CSCI 134 - 09 Introduction to Computer ScienceT 2:30pm-4:00pm1023
- CSCI 136 - 01CSCI 136 - 01 Data Structures and Advanced ProgrammingMWF 9:00am-9:50amPhysics 2031024
- CSCI 136 - 02CSCI 136 - 02 Data Structures and Advanced ProgrammingMWF 10:00am-10:50amPhysics 2031025
- CSCI 136 - 03CSCI 136 - 03 Data Structures and Advanced ProgrammingW 1:00pm-2:30pm1028
- CSCI 136 - 04CSCI 136 - 04 Data Structures and Advanced ProgrammingW 2:30pm-4:00pm1029
- CSCI 136 - 05CSCI 136 - 05 Data Structures and Advanced ProgrammingR 1:00pm-2:30pm1030
- CSCI 136 - 06CSCI 136 - 06 Data Structures and Advanced ProgrammingR 2:30pm-4:00pm1031
- CSCI 237 - 01CSCI 237 - 01 Computer OrganizationMWF 10:00am-10:50amClark Hall 1051040
- CSCI 237 - 02CSCI 237 - 02 Computer OrganizationCancelled1041
- CSCI 237 - 03CSCI 237 - 03 Computer OrganizationW 1:00pm-2:30pm1042
- CSCI 237 - 04CSCI 237 - 04 Computer OrganizationW 2:30pm-4:00pm1043
- CSCI 237 - 05CSCI 237 - 05 Computer OrganizationCancelled1044
- CSCI 237 - 06CSCI 237 - 06 Computer OrganizationCancelled1045
- CSCI 256 - 01CSCI 256 - 01 Algorithm Design and AnalysisMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1046
- CSCI 315 - 01CSCI 315 - 01 Computational BiologyMR 2:35pm-3:50pmPhysics 1141619
- CSCI 339 - 01CSCI 339 - 01 Distributed SystemsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1047
- CSCI 358 - 01CSCI 358 - 01 Applied AlgorithmsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1048
- CSCI 361 - 01CSCI 361 - 01 Theory of ComputationTR 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 1161938
- CSCI 361 - 02CSCI 361 - 02 Theory of ComputationTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 1161939
- CSCI 375 - 01CSCI 375 - 01 Natural Language ProcessingTR 9:55am-11:10amSchow Library Classroom 030A1053
- CSCI 376 - 01CSCI 376 - 01 Human-Computer InteractionMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1054
- CSCI 381 - 01CSCI 381 - 01 Deep LearningMWF 9:00am-9:50amSchow Library Classroom 030B1056
- CSCI 493 - 01CSCI 493 - 01 Research in Computer ScienceTBA1057
- CSCI 497 - 01CSCI 497 - 01 Independent Reading: Computer ScienceTBA1058
- DANC 101 - 01DANC 101 - 01 Greek Literature: Performance, Conflict, DesireTR 9:55am-11:10amSchow Library Classroom 030B1821
- DANC 103 - 01DANC 103 - 01 Historical Research in Dance and Performance StudiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671247
- DANC 104 - 01DANC 104 - 01 Ballet I Beginning Ballet TechniqueTR 11:20am-12:35pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1249
- DANC 107 - 01DANC 107 - 01 Dancing in the Streets (Strange Fruit)TF 1:10pm-2:25pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1250
- DANC 125 - 01DANC 125 - 01 Music and Social Dance in Latin AmericaMWF 8:30am-9:45amBernhard 301521
- DANC 200 - 01DANC 200 - 01 Zena Rommett Floor Barre(TM) Lengthening and Strengthening cross-training for dancersW 9:45am-10:45am'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1251
- DANC 201 - 01DANC 201 - 01 African Dance and PercussionMR 1:10pm-3:50pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1252
- DANC 204 - 01DANC 204 - 01 Ballet II Intermediate TechniqueMR 1:10pm-2:25pm62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio1255
- DANC 210 - T1DANC 210 - T1 LET'S MAKE A DANCE: Dance Making and Re-MakingTBA1256
- DANC 216 - 01DANC 216 - 01 Asian/American Identities in MotionWF 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671257
- DANC 220 - 01DANC 220 - 01 Dancing with the Hips, Butt, and Pelvis: Dangerous Bodies and Community TraditionsWF 2:10pm-3:50pmGreylock Dance1982
- DANC 300 - 01DANC 300 - 01 Advanced Ballet/CoDa--Variations on a Theme: Technique, History, Variations and PerformanceMWF 11:00am-12:50pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1265
- DANC 304 - 01DANC 304 - 01 Ballet III Technique for Advanced DancersMW 11:00am-12:15pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1267
- DANC 306 - 01DANC 306 - 01 Modern Dance III: Intermediate/Advanced Modern DanceTF 1:10pm-2:25pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1268
- DANC 315 - 01DANC 315 - 01 Modern/Contemporary Dance Technique, Repertory and PerformanceTF 1:10pm-3:50pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1269
- DANC 397 - 01DANC 397 - 01 Independent Study: DanceTBA1272
- ECON 105 - 01ECON 105 - 01 Gender in the Global EconomyTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGreylock Makepeace1330
- ECON 110 - 01ECON 110 - 01 Principles of MicroeconomicsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1291864
- ECON 110 - 02ECON 110 - 02 Principles of MicroeconomicsTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1291865
- ECON 110 - 03ECON 110 - 03 Principles of MicroeconomicsTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 61866
- ECON 110 - 04ECON 110 - 04 Principles of MicroeconomicsTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 0011867
- ECON 110 - 05ECON 110 - 05 Principles of MicroeconomicsMWF 8:30am-9:45amHopkins Hall 0021868
- ECON 110 - 06ECON 110 - 06 Principles of MicroeconomicsMWF 11:00am-12:15pmHopkins Hall 0021869
- ECON 120 - 01ECON 120 - 01 Principles of MacroeconomicsMWF 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 61870
- ECON 120 - 02ECON 120 - 02 Principles of MacroeconomicsTR 9:55am-11:10amGriffin 61871
- ECON 215 - 01ECON 215 - 01 GlobalizationTR 8:30am-9:45amSchapiro Hall 1291872
- ECON 215 - 02ECON 215 - 02 GlobalizationTR 9:55am-11:10amSchapiro Hall 1291873
- ECON 229 - 01ECON 229 - 01 Law and EconomicsW 7:00pm-9:40pmSchapiro Hall 2411902
- ECON 251 - 01ECON 251 - 01 Price and Allocation TheoryMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 71878
- ECON 251 - 02ECON 251 - 02 Price and Allocation TheoryMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 71879
- ECON 251 - 03ECON 251 - 03 Price and Allocation TheoryTF 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 0171880
- ECON 252 - 01ECON 252 - 01 MacroeconomicsTR 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 61881
- ECON 252 - 02ECON 252 - 02 MacroeconomicsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0021882
- ECON 252 - 03ECON 252 - 03 MacroeconomicsMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0021883
- ECON 255 - 01ECON 255 - 01 EconometricsTR 11:20am-12:35pmWachenheim 0171884
- ECON 255 - 02ECON 255 - 02 EconometricsMWF 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 61885
- ECON 255 - 03ECON 255 - 03 EconometricsTR 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 71886
- ECON 257 - 01ECON 257 - 01 Economic Perspectives on Racial InequalityTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1887
- ECON 297 - 01ECON 297 - 01 Independent Study: EconomicsTBA1888
- ECON 299 - 01ECON 299 - 01 Economic Liberalism and Its CriticsMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0011168
- ECON 365 - 01ECON 365 - 01 Exchange Rates and International FinanceMWF 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 71931
- ECON 370 - 01ECON 370 - 01 Data Science for Economic AnalysisMWF 8:30am-9:45amSchapiro Hall 1291889
- ECON 371 - 01ECON 371 - 01 Time Series Econometrics and Empirical Methods for MacroW 7:00pm-9:40pmSchapiro Hall 1291890
- ECON 384 - 01ECON 384 - 01 Corporate FinanceMWF 11:00am-12:15pmSchapiro Hall 1291891
- ECON 385 - 01ECON 385 - 01 Games and InformationTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1892
- ECON 397 - 01ECON 397 - 01 Independent Study: Economics (Advanced)TBA1893
- ECON 450 - 01ECON 450 - 01 Advanced Topics in MacroeconomicsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1411894
- ECON 454 - 01ECON 454 - 01 Macroeconomic Perspectives on Labor MarketsMWF 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 51898
- ECON 460 - 01ECON 460 - 01 Women, Work, and the World Economy from 5,000 BC to the PresentMWF 11:00am-12:15pmSchapiro Hall 1411899
- ECON 477 - 01ECON 477 - 01 Economics of Environmental BehaviorTR 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 11895
- ECON 491 - 01ECON 491 - 01 Honors Seminar: EconomicsTBA1900
- ECON 493 - 01ECON 493 - 01 Honors Thesis: EconomicsTBA1901
- ECON 501 - 01ECON 501 - 01 Economic Growth and DevelopmentTR 9:55am-11:10amCDE A2111903
- ECON 502 - 01ECON 502 - 01 Statistics/EconometricsTR 8:30am-9:45amCDE A2111904
- ECON 503 - 01ECON 503 - 01 Statistics/Econometrics: Advanced SectionTR 8:30am-9:45amCDE B2191905
- ECON 504 - 01ECON 504 - 01 Public Economics in Developing CountriesMWF 11:00am-12:15pmCDE A2111906
- ECON 505 - 01ECON 505 - 01 Developing Country Macroeconomics I: TheoryMWF 8:30am-9:45amCDE A2111907
- ECON 506 - 01ECON 506 - 01 Fundamentals of Developing Country MacroeconomicsM 2:35pm-3:50pm
W 8:30am-9:45amCDE B219
CDE B2191910 - ECON 540 - 01ECON 540 - 01 Research StudiesTBA1911
- ENGL 105 - 01ENGL 105 - 01 American GirlhoodsTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room1552
- ENGL 107 - 01ENGL 107 - 01 TemptationTR 9:55am-11:10amGriffin 51554
- ENGL 107 - 02ENGL 107 - 02 TemptationTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 51556
- ENGL 112 - 01ENGL 112 - 01 Introduction to Literary CriticismMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1559
- ENGL 113 - 01ENGL 113 - 01 The Feminist Poetry MovementTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5081560
- ENGL 117 - 01ENGL 117 - 01 Introduction to Cultural TheoryTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 51563
- ENGL 117 - 02ENGL 117 - 02 Introduction to Cultural TheoryTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 51566
- ENGL 120 - 01ENGL 120 - 01 The Nature of NarrativeTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 1051702
- ENGL 121 - 01ENGL 121 - 01 The Literature of CrimeTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGreylock D2007
- ENGL 121 - 02ENGL 121 - 02 The Literature of CrimeTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGreylock D2008
- ENGL 150 - 01ENGL 150 - 01 Expository WritingMWF 11:00am-12:15pmGreylock Makepeace1571
- ENGL 156 - 01ENGL 156 - 01 New American FictionMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSawyer 5011626
- ENGL 161 - 01ENGL 161 - 01 MetafictionTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 41627
- ENGL 204 - 01ENGL 204 - 01 Hollywood FilmMWF 11:00am-12:15pmBernhard Brooks Rogers1629
- ENGL 207 - 01ENGL 207 - 01 ComedyTR 8:30am-9:45amYooSawyer Mabie Room1985
- ENGL 231 - 01ENGL 231 - 01 Literature of the SeaMW 10:30am-11:45amSchaumberg1915
- ENGL 238 - 01ENGL 238 - 01 1930s Black LiteratureTR 11:20am-12:35pmHollander 2411630
- ENGL 240 - 01ENGL 240 - 01 What is a Novel?TR 11:20am-12:35pmSawyer Mabie Room1632
- ENGL 252 - 01ENGL 252 - 01 Ficciones: A Course on FictionM 7:00pm-9:40pmHollander 3171573
- ENGL 266 - T1ENGL 266 - T1 PostmodernismTBA1708
- ENGL 281 - 01ENGL 281 - 01 Introductory Workshop in PoetryTR 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2581633
- ENGL 283 - 01ENGL 283 - 01 Introductory Workshop in FictionMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5011634
- ENGL 291 - 01ENGL 291 - 01 Writing for Television - Creating a SeriesW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 0401635
- ENGL 294 - 01ENGL 294 - 01 On Occupations: Work, Colonization and Contemporary LifeW 1:10pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room1636
- ENGL 316 - 01ENGL 316 - 01 Unfinishing AmericaTF 2:35pm-3:50pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041441
- ENGL 329 - 01ENGL 329 - 01 Writing Gender in Sci-Fi and Speculative FictionsW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 2411061
- ENGL 333 - 01ENGL 333 - 01 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1339
- ENGL 333 - 02ENGL 333 - 02 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1977
- ENGL 343 - T1ENGL 343 - T1 Whitman and Dickinson in ContextTBA1987
- ENGL 345 - 01ENGL 345 - 01 Shakespeare on Page, Stage and Screen: Text to PerformanceMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1229
- ENGL 352 - 01ENGL 352 - 01 Separation: An Introduction to Postcolonial LiteratureTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 2411643
- ENGL 365 - 01ENGL 365 - 01 Wonderland(s): Alice in TranslationMWF 8:30am-9:45amHopkins Hall 1051723
- ENGL 382 - 01ENGL 382 - 01 Advanced Workshop in PoetryW 1:10pm-3:50pmSawyer 5011646
- ENGL 387 - 01ENGL 387 - 01 Growing PainsM 7:00pm-9:40pmYooSchapiro Hall 2412006
- ENGL 391 - 01ENGL 391 - 01 Contemporary North American Queer Literatures and TheoriesCancelled1647
- ENGL 394 - 01ENGL 394 - 01 The Nature of NatureTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 41652
- ENGL 397 - 01ENGL 397 - 01 Independent Study: EnglishTBA1654
- ENGL 493 - 01ENGL 493 - 01 Honors Colloquium: EnglishW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 1581655
- ENGL 497 - 01ENGL 497 - 01 Honors Independent Study: EnglishTBA1658
- ENVI 101 - 01ENVI 101 - 01 Nature and Society: An Introduction to Environmental StudiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 21263
- ENVI 104 - 01ENVI 104 - 01 OceanographyTR 9:55am-11:10amChemistry 2021180
- ENVI 104 - 02ENVI 104 - 02 OceanographyT 1:00pm-3:00pmWachenheim 1051181
- ENVI 104 - 03ENVI 104 - 03 OceanographyW 1:00pm-3:00pmWachenheim 1051182
- ENVI 202 - 01ENVI 202 - 01 Critical Practice of Architecture: Theories, Methods, and TechniquesÂTR 9:55am-11:10amSpencer 2191413
- ENVI 203 - 01ENVI 203 - 01 EcologyTR 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 0151141
- ENVI 203 - 02ENVI 203 - 02 EcologyT 1:00pm-3:50pm1142
- ENVI 203 - 03ENVI 203 - 03 EcologyW 1:00pm-3:50pm1143
- ENVI 203 - 04ENVI 203 - 04 EcologyR 1:00pm-4:00pm2005
- ENVI 255 - 01ENVI 255 - 01 Environmental ObservationMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim 0051188
- ENVI 255 - 02ENVI 255 - 02 Environmental ObservationW 1:00pm-4:00pm1189
- ENVI 255 - 03ENVI 255 - 03 Environmental ObservationR 1:00pm-4:00pm1190
- ENVI 256 - 01ENVI 256 - 01 Race, Environment, and the BodyTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0021364
- ENVI 258 - 01ENVI 258 - 01 Stumped: Solving climate problems with tree- and land-based policy?TF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1411994
- ENVI 269 - 01ENVI 269 - 01 Environmental Law and PolicyTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0021264
- ENVI 288 - 01ENVI 288 - 01 Environmental Security: Policy Dilemmas and SolutionsMW 7:00pm-8:15pmSawyer Mabie Room1270
- ENVI 291 - T1ENVI 291 - T1 Religion and Ecology in AmericaTBA1273
- ENVI 298 - 01ENVI 298 - 01 Cultural GeographyMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 51276
- ENVI 316 - 01ENVI 316 - 01 Governing Cities by Design: the Built Environment as a Technology of SpaceTR 8:30am-9:45amSpencer 2121277
- ENVI 322 - 01ENVI 322 - 01 Waste and ValueW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 2401293
- ENVI 327 - 01ENVI 327 - 01 Coastal Processes and GeomorphologyMWF 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 0021193
- ENVI 351 - 01ENVI 351 - 01 Marine PolicyF 9:00am-12:00pmLanghauser1921
- ENVI 363 - 01ENVI 363 - 01 Environmental Fate of Organic ChemicalsTR 9:55am-11:10amPhysics 1141096
- ENVI 363 - 02ENVI 363 - 02 Environmental Fate of Organic ChemicalsT 1:00pm-5:00pm1097
- ENVI 363 - 03ENVI 363 - 03 Environmental Fate of Organic ChemicalsR 1:00pm-5:00pm1098
- ENVI 376 - 01ENVI 376 - 01 Economics of Environmental BehaviorTR 8:30am-9:45amGriffin 11897
- ENVI 390 - 01ENVI 390 - 01 The Nature of NatureTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 41653
- ENVI 397 - 01ENVI 397 - 01 Independent Study of Environmental ProblemsTBA1279
- ENVI 402 - 01ENVI 402 - 01 Environmental Planning Workshop: Community Project ExperienceW 1:10pm-3:50pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041280
- ENVI 402 - 02ENVI 402 - 02 Environmental Planning Workshop: Community Project ExperienceT 1:10pm-2:10pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041281
- ENVI 402 - 03ENVI 402 - 03 Environmental Planning Workshop: Community Project ExperienceR 1:10pm-2:10pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041282
- ENVI 450 - 01ENVI 450 - 01 Senior Seminar: Environmental EthnographyW 1:10pm-3:50pmSawyer 5081319
- ENVI 493 - 01ENVI 493 - 01 Senior Research and Thesis: Environmental StudiesTBA1320
- GBST 106 - 01GBST 106 - 01 Global Islamophobia: Crisis of the State and Reconfiguration of Global PowerMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 21997
- GBST 107 - 01GBST 107 - 01 Stumped: Solving climate problems with tree- and land-based policy?TF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1411995
- GBST 116 - 01GBST 116 - 01 The Art of Playing: An Introduction to Theatre and PerformanceMW 11:00am-12:15pmDirecting Studio1200
- GBST 116 - 02GBST 116 - 02 The Art of Playing: An Introduction to Theatre and PerformanceM 7:00pm-9:40pmDirecting Studio1215
- GBST 151 - 01GBST 151 - 01 Global Questions, Global FrameworksTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2401065
- GBST 214 - 01GBST 214 - 01 Asian/American Identities in MotionWF 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671261
- GBST 216 - T1GBST 216 - T1 Cities and Urbanism of the Ancient WorldTBA1289
- GBST 262 - 01GBST 262 - 01 Paper TrailsWF 8:30am-9:45amClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041311
- GBST 288 - 01GBST 288 - 01 Environmental Security: Policy Dilemmas and SolutionsMW 7:00pm-8:15pmSawyer Mabie Room1271
- GBST 315 - 01GBST 315 - 01 GlobalizationTR 8:30am-9:45amSchapiro Hall 1291876
- GBST 315 - 02GBST 315 - 02 GlobalizationTR 9:55am-11:10amSchapiro Hall 1291877
- GBST 322 - 01GBST 322 - 01 Waste and ValueW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 2401294
- GBST 345 - 01GBST 345 - 01 Wonderland(s): Alice in TranslationMWF 8:30am-9:45amHopkins Hall 1051724
- GBST 348 - T1GBST 348 - T1 Altering States: Post-Soviet Paradoxes of Identity and DifferenceCancelled1315
- GBST 369 - 01GBST 369 - 01 Indigenous Narratives: From the Fourth World to the Global SouthMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2411729
- GBST 373 - 01GBST 373 - 01 A Global History of Mass DictatorshipCancelled1936
- GBST 384 - 01GBST 384 - 01 The Maghreb in Europe: Colonialism, Migration, and RacismW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411991
- GBST 386 - 01GBST 386 - 01 Chinese Societies through the lens of COVID-19TF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2581791
- GBST 397 - 01GBST 397 - 01 Independent Study: International StudiesTBA1068
- GBST 414 - 01GBST 414 - 01 Displacement: Global Histories of Refugees and Forced MigrationM 7:00pm-9:40pmGriffin 11504
- GBST 491 - 01GBST 491 - 01 Senior Honors Project: International StudiesTBA1069
- GEOS 104 - 01GEOS 104 - 01 OceanographyTR 9:55am-11:10amChemistry 2021174
- GEOS 104 - 02GEOS 104 - 02 OceanographyT 1:00pm-3:00pmWachenheim 1051175
- GEOS 104 - 03GEOS 104 - 03 OceanographyW 1:00pm-3:00pmWachenheim 1051176
- GEOS 201 - 01GEOS 201 - 01 Field Methods and Structural GeologyMWF 11:00am-12:15pmWachenheim 3051183
- GEOS 201 - 02GEOS 201 - 02 Field Methods and Structural GeologyM 1:00pm-4:00pm1184
- GEOS 210 - 01GEOS 210 - 01 Oceanographic ProcessesTR 9:00am-10:15am1912
- GEOS 210 - 02GEOS 210 - 02 Oceanographic ProcessesTR 1:00pm-4:30pm1913
- GEOS 211 - T1GEOS 211 - T1 Rates and Dates: Calibrating the Rock RecordTBA1947
- GEOS 255 - 01GEOS 255 - 01 Environmental ObservationMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim 0051185
- GEOS 255 - 02GEOS 255 - 02 Environmental ObservationW 1:00pm-4:00pm1186
- GEOS 255 - 03GEOS 255 - 03 Environmental ObservationR 1:00pm-4:00pm1187
- GEOS 327 - 01GEOS 327 - 01 Coastal Processes and GeomorphologyMWF 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 0021191
- GEOS 409 - 01GEOS 409 - 01 VolcanologyTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 0111194
- GEOS 409 - 02GEOS 409 - 02 VolcanologyT 1:00pm-4:00pm1195
- GEOS 493 - 01GEOS 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: GeosciencesTBA1196
- GEOS 497 - 01GEOS 497 - 01 Independent Study: GeosciencesTBA1197
- GERM 101 - 01GERM 101 - 01 Elementary GermanM-F 10:00am-10:50amHollander 1401233
- GERM 103 - 01GERM 103 - 01 Intermediate German IMWF 11:00am-11:50amHollander 1401234
- GERM 205 - 01GERM 205 - 01 (In)justice and Morals in German LiteratureTR 9:55am-11:10amClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041235
- GERM 241 - 01GERM 241 - 01 German Romantic SongTF 1:10pm-2:25pmBernhard 291955
- GERM 302 - 01GERM 302 - 01 Heimat: Identity, Belonging, and Home in German LiteratureMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSawyer 5081236
- GERM 493 - 01GERM 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: GermanTBA1237
- GERM 497 - 01GERM 497 - 01 Independent Study: GermanTBA1238
- HIST 134 - T1HIST 134 - T1 The Great WarTBA1456
- HIST 135 - 01HIST 135 - 01 The Coffeehouse from Arabia to the EnlightenmentTR 11:20am-12:35pmHorn Hall 103C1457
- HIST 152 - 01HIST 152 - 01 The Fourteenth Amendment and the Meanings of EqualityCancelled1460
- HIST 159 - T1HIST 159 - T1 Crossing the Color Line: A History of PassingTBA1464
- HIST 161 - 01HIST 161 - 01 W.E.B. Du Bois: A Century of Study and StruggleMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 21466
- HIST 163 - 01HIST 163 - 01 Communications in Early AmericaMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411467
- HIST 212 - 01HIST 212 - 01 De-Centering Imperial China, 960-1800TR 11:20am-12:35pmHopkins Hall 0011469
- HIST 217 - 01HIST 217 - 01 Premodern JapanCancelled1471
- HIST 230 - 01HIST 230 - 01 Modern European Jewish History, 1789-1948MWF 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2411473
- HIST 266 - 01HIST 266 - 01 The Roaring Twenties and the Rough ThirtiesMWF 11:00am-12:15pmHorn Hall 103C1475
- HIST 273 - 01HIST 273 - 01 Going Nuclear: American Culture in the Atomic AgeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 71301
- HIST 279 - 01HIST 279 - 01 African American History Since 1865TF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0011477
- HIST 284 - 01HIST 284 - 01 Asian American HistoryCancelled1479
- HIST 301 - B1HIST 301 - B1 Approaching the Past: Contemplating American PowerMW 11:00am-12:15pmSawyer Mabie Room1482
- HIST 301 - D1HIST 301 - D1 Approaching the Past: The Historian's TaskTR 9:55am-11:10amHorn Hall 103C1485
- HIST 302 - 01HIST 302 - 01 Islamic Law: Past and PresentMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0401841
- HIST 306 - 01HIST 306 - 01 Indigenous Narratives: From the Fourth World to the Global SouthMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2411731
- HIST 315 - 01HIST 315 - 01 Minorities and the State in Modern East AsiaCancelled1486
- HIST 327 - 01HIST 327 - 01 The Byzantine Empire, 330-1453 CETR 9:55am-11:10amHollander 3171490
- HIST 352 - 01HIST 352 - 01 American Maritime HistoryMW 9:00am-10:15am1924
- HIST 361 - 01HIST 361 - 01 The Atlantic World: Connections, Crossings, and ConfluencesTR 9:55am-11:10amGriffin 71491
- HIST 366 - 01HIST 366 - 01 What They Saw in AmericaMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 11305
- HIST 372 - 01HIST 372 - 01 The North American West: Histories and MeaningsCancelled1494
- HIST 376 - 01HIST 376 - 01 Sex, Gender, and the Law in U.S. HistoryMW 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 2411495
- HIST 377 - 01HIST 377 - 01 A Global History of Mass DictatorshipCancelled1937
- HIST 384 - 01HIST 384 - 01 Comparative History of Science and Medicine in Asian/Pacific America, 1800-PresentCancelled1942
- HIST 402 - 01HIST 402 - 01 Displacement: Global Histories of Refugees and Forced MigrationM 7:00pm-9:40pmGriffin 11502
- HIST 481 - T1HIST 481 - T1 History of TaiwanTBA1505
- HIST 488 - T1HIST 488 - T1 Sites of Memory and American WarsCancelled1507
- HIST 493 - 01HIST 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Research SeminarTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 3171508
- HIST 495 - T1HIST 495 - T1 The Medieval World System: Globalization before 1500TBA1509
- HIST 497 - 01HIST 497 - 01 Independent Study: HistoryTBA1510
- INTR 150 - 01INTR 150 - 01 Data for JusticeTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock A1026
- INTR 150 - 02INTR 150 - 02 Data for JusticeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGreylock A1027
- JAPN 101 - 01JAPN 101 - 01 Elementary JapaneseTR 9:55am-11:10amSchapiro Hall 2411794
- JAPN 101 - 02JAPN 101 - 02 Elementary JapaneseMWF 9:00am-9:50amSchapiro Hall 1411795
- JAPN 101 - 03JAPN 101 - 03 Elementary JapaneseMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchapiro Hall 1411796
- JAPN 131 - 01JAPN 131 - 01 Introduction to Japanese Formal LinguisticsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0401797
- JAPN 201 - 01JAPN 201 - 01 Intermediate JapaneseTR 11:20am-12:35pmHollander 0401799
- JAPN 201 - 02JAPN 201 - 02 Intermediate JapaneseMWF 11:00am-11:50amHollander 0401800
- JAPN 301 - 01JAPN 301 - 01 Upper-Intermediate JapaneseTR 8:30am-9:45am
F 4:05pm-5:20pmHollander 140
Hollander 1401801 - JAPN 401 - 01JAPN 401 - 01 Advanced JapaneseMWF 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 1581802
- JAPN 493 - 01JAPN 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: JapaneseTBA1803
- JAPN 497 - 01JAPN 497 - 01 Independent Study: JapaneseTBA1804
- JWST 201 - 01JWST 201 - 01 The Hebrew BibleTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 0021837
- JWST 230 - 01JWST 230 - 01 Modern European Jewish History, 1789-1948MWF 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2411474
- JWST 249 - 01JWST 249 - 01 AntisemitismTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 1051844
- JWST 493 - 01JWST 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Jewish StudiesTBA1004
- JWST 497 - 01JWST 497 - 01 Independent Study: Jewish StudiesTBA1005
- LATS 105 - 01LATS 105 - 01 Latina/o Identities: Constructions, Contestations, and ExpressionsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2411567
- LATS 205 - 01LATS 205 - 01 Latinx Visual ArtsTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock Makepeace1568
- LATS 209 - 01LATS 209 - 01 Spanish for Heritage SpeakersMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmSchapiro Hall 2411767
- LATS 222 - 01LATS 222 - 01 Ficciones: A Course on FictionM 7:00pm-9:40pmHollander 3171572
- LATS 285 - 01LATS 285 - 01 The Bible & US Borders: Latinx EncountersTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchapiro Hall 1291851
- LATS 313 - 01LATS 313 - 01 Gender, Race, and the Power of Personal AestheticsCancelled1574
- LATS 314 - 01LATS 314 - 01 Social Geographies: Bridging Theory and Praxis in New EnglandMWF 11:00am-12:15pmSawyer 5081579
- LATS 332 - 01LATS 332 - 01 Latinx Biography & MemoirW 7:00pm-9:40pmHollander 0401580
- LATS 397 - 01LATS 397 - 01 Independent Study: Latina/o StudiesTBA1581
- LATS 421 - 01LATS 421 - 01 Latinx GeographiesW 1:10pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 1051582
- LATS 493 - 01LATS 493 - 01 Senior Honors Thesis: Latina/o StudiesTBA1583
- LATS 497 - 01LATS 497 - 01 Independent Study: Latina/o StudiesTBA1584
- LEAD 155 - 01LEAD 155 - 01 Visionaries, Pragmatists, and Demagogues: An Introduction to Leadership StudiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGreylock A1157
- LEAD 227 - 01LEAD 227 - 01 International Relations of the Middle EastTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 41714
- LEAD 290 - T1LEAD 290 - T1 How Change Happens in American PoliticsTR 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2401719
- LEAD 320 - 01LEAD 320 - 01 Heroes and Villains: Iconic Leadership and the Politics of MemoryTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGreylock A1159
- LEAD 330 - 01LEAD 330 - 01 Senior Seminar: The Nuclear RevolutionCancelled1733
- LEAD 397 - 01LEAD 397 - 01 Independent Study: Leadership StudiesTBA1161
- MATH 102 - T1MATH 102 - T1 Foundations in Quantitative SkillsTBA1343
- MATH 130 - 01MATH 130 - 01 Calculus IMWF 8:00am-8:50amWachenheim 1141344
- MATH 130 - 02MATH 130 - 02 Calculus IMWF 9:00am-9:50amWachenheim 1141345
- MATH 140 - 01MATH 140 - 01 Calculus IIMWF 9:00am-9:50amWachenheim 0171347
- MATH 140 - 02MATH 140 - 02 Calculus IIMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmWachenheim 1131348
- MATH 150 - 01MATH 150 - 01 Multivariable CalculusMWF 9:00am-9:50amWachenheim 0151349
- MATH 150 - 02MATH 150 - 02 Multivariable CalculusMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim 0151350
- MATH 150 - 03MATH 150 - 03 Multivariable CalculusMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmWachenheim 1141351
- MATH 151 - 01MATH 151 - 01 Multivariable CalculusMWF 9:00am-9:50amWachenheim 1131375
- MATH 151 - 02MATH 151 - 02 Multivariable CalculusMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim 1131376
- MATH 151 - 03MATH 151 - 03 Multivariable CalculusMWF 11:00am-11:50amWachenheim 1131377
- MATH 200 - 01MATH 200 - 01 Discrete MathematicsTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 0151380
- MATH 200 - 02MATH 200 - 02 Discrete MathematicsTR 11:20am-12:35pmWachenheim 0151381
- MATH 250 - 01MATH 250 - 01 Linear AlgebraMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim 0171391
- MATH 250 - 02MATH 250 - 02 Linear AlgebraMWF 11:00am-11:50amWachenheim 0171392
- MATH 309 - 01MATH 309 - 01 Differential EquationsTR 9:55am-11:10amPhysics 2051414
- MATH 326 - 01MATH 326 - 01 Differential GeometryMWF 11:00am-11:50amBiology 2021419
- MATH 331 - 01MATH 331 - 01 The little QuestionsMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim 1161421
- MATH 338 - 01MATH 338 - 01 Intermediate LogicTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 61596
- MATH 341 - 01MATH 341 - 01 ProbabilityMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmWachenheim 0171422
- MATH 350 - 01MATH 350 - 01 Real AnalysisMR 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 1131451
- MATH 355 - 01MATH 355 - 01 Abstract AlgebraTR 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 0171449
- MATH 355 - 02MATH 355 - 02 Abstract AlgebraTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 0171450
- MATH 361 - 01MATH 361 - 01 Theory of ComputationTR 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 1161940
- MATH 361 - 02MATH 361 - 02 Theory of ComputationTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 1161941
- MATH 374 - 01MATH 374 - 01 TopologyTR 11:20am-12:35pmWachenheim 1141452
- MATH 403 - 01MATH 403 - 01 Measure and Ergodic TheoryMR 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 0171453
- MATH 408 - 01MATH 408 - 01 L-Functions and Sphere PackingCancelled1454
- MATH 426 - 01MATH 426 - 01 Differential TopologyMWF 9:00am-9:50amWachenheim 1161455
- MATH 493 - 01MATH 493 - 01 Senior Honors Thesis: MathematicsTBA1458
- MATH 497 - 01MATH 497 - 01 Independent Study: MathematicsTBA1459
- MATH 499 - 01MATH 499 - 01 Senior ColloquiumMR 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 1131461
- MATH 499 - 02MATH 499 - 02 Senior ColloquiumW 1:10pm-3:50pmWachenheim 1131462
- MUS 101 - 01MUS 101 - 01 Listening to MusicTR 8:30am-9:45amBernhard Presser Choral1483
- MUS 102 - 01MUS 102 - 01 Introduction to Music TheoryTR 8:30am-9:45amBernhard 301484
- MUS 102 - 02MUS 102 - 02 Introduction to Music TheoryMWF 9:00am-9:50amBernhard 291488
- MUS 102 - 03MUS 102 - 03 Introduction to Music TheoryMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmBernhard 291489
- MUS 103 - 01MUS 103 - 01 Music Theory and Musicianship ITR 11:20am-12:35pmBernhard 301513
- MUS 103 - 02MUS 103 - 02 Music Theory and Musicianship IMWF 10:00am-10:50amBernhard Presser Choral1514
- MUS 103 - 03MUS 103 - 03 Music Theory and Musicianship IMWF 11:00am-11:50amBernhard Presser Choral1515
- MUS 119 - 01MUS 119 - 01 Rock and Roll Revolutions, 1950-1999TR 9:55am-11:10amBernhard Presser Choral1517
- MUS 125 - 01MUS 125 - 01 Music and Social Dance in Latin AmericaMWF 8:30am-9:45amBernhard 301518
- MUS 149 - 01MUS 149 - 01 The Language of Film MusicMR 2:35pm-3:50pmBernhard 301522
- MUS 176 - 01MUS 176 - 01 Protest SongTR 9:55am-11:10amBernhard 301523
- MUS 183 - 01MUS 183 - 01 Stage Direction for Opera and Musical TheatreTF 2:35pm-3:50pmBernhard 301929
- MUS 201 - 01MUS 201 - 01 Music Theory and Musicianship IITR 11:20am-12:35pmBernhard 291966
- MUS 205 - 01MUS 205 - 01 Composition IMR 1:10pm-2:25pmBernhard 291526
- MUS 206 - 01MUS 206 - 01 Composition IIMR 1:10pm-2:25pmBernhard 291527
- MUS 211 - 01MUS 211 - 01 Music, Nationalism, and Popular CultureTF 1:10pm-2:25pmBernhard 301528
- MUS 220 - 01MUS 220 - 01 African Dance and PercussionMR 1:10pm-3:50pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1254
- MUS 231 - 01MUS 231 - 01 Music in History I: Music and Culture from Antiquity to 1750MR 1:10pm-2:25pmBernhard 301530
- MUS 233 - 01MUS 233 - 01 Music in History III: Art Music Since 1900MW 11:00am-12:15pmBernhard 301531
- MUS 241 - 01MUS 241 - 01 German Romantic SongTF 1:10pm-2:25pmBernhard 291954
- MUS 250 - 01MUS 250 - 01 The Musical Language of Louis ArmstrongW 1:10pm-3:50pmBernhard Shainman Rehearsal H1532
- MUS 281 - 01MUS 281 - 01 Individual Vocal and Instrumental InstructionTBA1533
- MUS 291 - 01MUS 291 - 01 Chamber Music WorkshopTBA1534
- MUS 307 - 01MUS 307 - 01 Composition IIITBA1535
- MUS 308 - 01MUS 308 - 01 Composition IVTBA1536
- MUS 391 - 01MUS 391 - 01 Advanced Musical PerformanceTBA1537
- MUS 392 - 01MUS 392 - 01 Advanced Musical PerformanceTBA1538
- MUS 491 - 01MUS 491 - 01 Advanced Musical PerformanceTBA1539
- MUS 492 - 01MUS 492 - 01 Advanced Musical PerformanceTBA1540
- MUS 493 - 01MUS 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: MusicTBA1541
- MUS 494 - 01MUS 494 - 01 Senior Thesis: MusicTBA1542
- MUS 497 - 01MUS 497 - 01 Independent Study: MusicTBA1543
- MUS 497 - 05MUS 497 - 05 Independent Study: MusicTBA2189
- MUS 498 - 01MUS 498 - 01 Independent Study: MusicTBA1544
- NSCI 201 - 01NSCI 201 - 01 NeuroscienceTR 9:55am-11:10amChemistry 1231201
- NSCI 201 - 02NSCI 201 - 02 NeuroscienceM 1:00pm-4:00pm1202
- NSCI 201 - 03NSCI 201 - 03 NeuroscienceT 1:00pm-4:00pm1203
- NSCI 201 - 04NSCI 201 - 04 NeuroscienceW 1:00pm-4:00pm1204
- NSCI 209 - T1NSCI 209 - T1 Animal CommunicationTBA1145
- NSCI 313 - 01NSCI 313 - 01 Opioids and the Opioid Crisis: The Neuroscience Behind an EpidemicMR 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 1141679
- NSCI 337 - 01NSCI 337 - 01 Neural Flexibility: plasticity, modulation and evolutionMW 11:00am-12:15pmWachenheim 0022011
- NSCI 397 - 01NSCI 397 - 01 Independent Study: NeuroscienceTBA1216
- NSCI 401 - 01NSCI 401 - 01 Topics in NeuroscienceW 1:10pm-3:50pmWachenheim 1141217
- NSCI 493 - 01NSCI 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: NeuroscienceTBA1218
- PHIL 110 - 01PHIL 110 - 01 History of Modern Moral and Political PhilosophyTR 8:30am-9:45amSchapiro Hall 1411585
- PHIL 118 - 01PHIL 118 - 01 Meaning, Communication and SocietyCancelled1964
- PHIL 119 - 01PHIL 119 - 01 Why Obey the Law?TR 11:20am-12:35pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1586
- PHIL 127 - T1PHIL 127 - T1 Meaning and ValueTBA1587
- PHIL 201 - 01PHIL 201 - 01 History of Ancient Greek PhilosophyMWF 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 71588
- PHIL 212 - 01PHIL 212 - 01 Ethics and Reproductive TechnologiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 11590
- PHIL 221 - 01PHIL 221 - 01 Introduction to Formal LinguisticsCancelled1963
- PHIL 222 - 01PHIL 222 - 01 Minds, Brains, and Intelligent Behavior: An Introduction to Cognitive ScienceTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1163
- PHIL 231 - 01PHIL 231 - 01 Ancient Political ThoughtMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2411717
- PHIL 274 - T1PHIL 274 - T1 Messing with People: The Ethics of Human ExperimentationTBA1593
- PHIL 320 - T1PHIL 320 - T1 Topics in Critical Theory: What is Critique? What Can It Do?TBA1975
- PHIL 328 - 01PHIL 328 - 01 Kant's EthicsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 11594
- PHIL 338 - 01PHIL 338 - 01 Intermediate LogicTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 61595
- PHIL 401 - 01PHIL 401 - 01 Senior Seminar--Philosophy in the Public SphereM 7:00pm-9:40pmGriffin 41597
- PHIL 401 - 02PHIL 401 - 02 Senior Seminar--Philosophy in the Public SphereW 1:10pm-3:50pmGriffin 41598
- PHIL 493 - 01PHIL 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: PhilosophyTBA1599
- PHIL 497 - 01PHIL 497 - 01 Independent Study: PhilosophyTBA1600
- PHLH 220 - 01PHLH 220 - 01 International NutritionM 7:00pm-9:40pmHollander 0401953
- PHLH 351 - T1PHLH 351 - T1 Racism in Public HealthTBA1405
- PHLH 397 - 01PHLH 397 - 01 Independent Study: Public HealthTBA1407
- PHYS 131 - 01PHYS 131 - 01 Introduction to MechanicsMWF 11:00am-11:50amPhysics 2031601
- PHYS 131 - 02PHYS 131 - 02 Introduction to MechanicsM 1:00pm-4:00pm1602
- PHYS 131 - 03PHYS 131 - 03 Introduction to MechanicsT 1:00pm-4:00pm1603
- PHYS 141 - 01PHYS 141 - 01 Mechanics and WavesMWF 11:00am-11:50amPhysics 2051604
- PHYS 141 - 02PHYS 141 - 02 Mechanics and WavesM 1:00pm-4:00pm1605
- PHYS 141 - 03PHYS 141 - 03 Mechanics and WavesT 1:00pm-4:00pm1606
- PHYS 151 - 01PHYS 151 - 01 Seminar in Modern PhysicsMWF 11:00am-12:15pmPhysics 1141608
- PHYS 151 - 02PHYS 151 - 02 Seminar in Modern PhysicsT 1:00pm-4:00pm1609
- PHYS 201 - 01PHYS 201 - 01 Electricity and MagnetismMWF 10:00am-10:50amPhysics 2051611
- PHYS 201 - 02PHYS 201 - 02 Electricity and MagnetismW 1:00pm-4:00pm1612
- PHYS 201 - 03PHYS 201 - 03 Electricity and MagnetismR 1:00pm-4:00pm1613
- PHYS 301 - 01PHYS 301 - 01 Quantum PhysicsMWF 9:00am-9:50amPhysics 2051614
- PHYS 301 - 02PHYS 301 - 02 Quantum PhysicsM 1:00pm-4:00pm1615
- PHYS 301 - 03PHYS 301 - 03 Quantum PhysicsW 1:00pm-4:00pm1616
- PHYS 301 - 04PHYS 301 - 04 Quantum PhysicsR 1:00pm-4:00pm1617
- PHYS 301 - 05PHYS 301 - 05 Quantum PhysicsT 1:00pm-4:00pm1968
- PHYS 315 - 01PHYS 315 - 01 Computational BiologyMR 2:35pm-3:50pmPhysics 1141618
- PHYS 411 - T1PHYS 411 - T1 Classical MechanicsF 1:10pm-2:25pmPhysics 2051620
- PHYS 451 - 01PHYS 451 - 01 Condensed Matter PhysicsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmPhysics 1141621
- PHYS 493 - 01PHYS 493 - 01 Senior Research: PhysicsTBA1622
- PHYS 495 - 01PHYS 495 - 01 Senior Research: AstrophysicsTBA1660
- PHYS 497 - 01PHYS 497 - 01 Independent Study: PhysicsTBA1623
- PHYS 499 - 01PHYS 499 - 01 Physics and Astronomy ColloquiumF 2:35pm-3:50pmPhysics 2051624
- POEC 250 - 01POEC 250 - 01 Economic Liberalism and Its CriticsMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0011167
- POEC 253 - 01POEC 253 - 01 Empirical Methods in Political EconomyTR 8:30am-9:45amHopkins Hall 0021170
- POEC 397 - 01POEC 397 - 01 Independent Study: Political EconomyTBA1171
- POEC 401 - 01POEC 401 - 01 Contemporary Problems in Political EconomyTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSawyer 5081172
- POEC 493 - 01POEC 493 - 01 Honors Thesis: Political EconomyTBA1173
- PSCI 110 - 01PSCI 110 - 01 Introduction to American Politics: Power, Politics, and Democracy in AmericaMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 61695
- PSCI 120 - 01PSCI 120 - 01 Introduction to International Relations: World PoliticsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 71698
- PSCI 120 - 02PSCI 120 - 02 Introduction to International Relations: World PoliticsTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 71699
- PSCI 130 - 01PSCI 130 - 01 Introduction to Political TheoryMW 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 11701
- PSCI 140 - 01PSCI 140 - 01 Introduction to Comparative PoliticsMW 11:00am-12:15pmHopkins Hall 0011703
- PSCI 140 - 02PSCI 140 - 02 Introduction to Comparative PoliticsTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 21983
- PSCI 155 - 01PSCI 155 - 01 Visionaries, Pragmatists, and Demagogues: An Introduction to Leadership StudiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGreylock A1158
- PSCI 160 - T1PSCI 160 - T1 Refugees in International PoliticsTBA1704
- PSCI 208 - 01PSCI 208 - 01 Wealth in AmericaMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 2411707
- PSCI 223 - 01PSCI 223 - 01 International LawTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 61709
- PSCI 224 - 01PSCI 224 - 01 Neo-liberalism: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?TR 9:55am-11:10amGriffin 11710
- PSCI 227 - 01PSCI 227 - 01 International Relations of the Middle EastTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 41712
- PSCI 231 - 01PSCI 231 - 01 Ancient Political ThoughtMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2411716
- PSCI 238 - 01PSCI 238 - 01 Economic Liberalism and Its CriticsMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 0011169
- PSCI 290 - T1PSCI 290 - T1 How Change Happens in American PoliticsTR 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2401718
- PSCI 294 - 01PSCI 294 - 01 The Military in Politics: From the Barracks to the PresidencyMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room1984
- PSCI 305 - 01PSCI 305 - 01 Environmental Political ThoughtW 7:00pm-9:40pmGriffin 11720
- PSCI 316 - 01PSCI 316 - 01 Policy Making ProcessTR 11:20am-12:35pmHopkins Hall 1051725
- PSCI 319 - 01PSCI 319 - 01 Marine PolicyF 9:00am-12:00pmLanghauser1922
- PSCI 320 - 01PSCI 320 - 01 Heroes and Villains: Iconic Leadership and the Politics of MemoryTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGreylock A1160
- PSCI 360 - 01PSCI 360 - 01 Right-Wing PopulismMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5081726
- PSCI 378 - 01PSCI 378 - 01 Origins of the StateTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2401730
- PSCI 420 - 01PSCI 420 - 01 Senior Seminar: The Nuclear RevolutionCancelled1732
- PSCI 426 - 01PSCI 426 - 01 The Arab-Israeli ConflictW 1:10pm-3:50pmGriffin 11946
- PSCI 440 - 01PSCI 440 - 01 Settler Colonialism: What is it and what does it do?TR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 11736
- PSCI 493 - 01PSCI 493 - 01 Senior Thesis Research Design SeminarMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchapiro Hall 1371738
- PSCI 495 - 01PSCI 495 - 01 Individual Project: Political ScienceMWF 9:00am-9:50am1739
- PSCI 497 - 01PSCI 497 - 01 Independent Study: Political ScienceMWF 9:00am-9:50am1740
- PSYC 101 - 01PSYC 101 - 01 Introductory PsychologyMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim B111607
- PSYC 201 - A1PSYC 201 - A1 Experimentation and StatisticsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSchow Library Classroom 030B1661
- PSYC 201 - A2PSYC 201 - A2 Experimentation and StatisticsW 1:00pm-4:00pmSchow Library Classroom 030B1662
- PSYC 201 - B3PSYC 201 - B3 Experimentation and StatisticsTR 9:55am-11:10amClark Hall 1051663
- PSYC 201 - B4PSYC 201 - B4 Experimentation and StatisticsT 1:00pm-4:00pmClark Hall 1051664
- PSYC 201 - C5PSYC 201 - C5 Experimentation and StatisticsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 1141971
- PSYC 201 - C6PSYC 201 - C6 Experimentation and StatisticsW 1:00pm-4:00pmWachenheim 0171972
- PSYC 212 - 01PSYC 212 - 01 NeuroscienceTR 9:55am-11:10amChemistry 1231209
- PSYC 212 - 02PSYC 212 - 02 NeuroscienceM 1:00pm-4:00pm1210
- PSYC 212 - 03PSYC 212 - 03 NeuroscienceT 1:00pm-4:00pm1211
- PSYC 212 - 04PSYC 212 - 04 NeuroscienceW 1:00pm-4:00pm1212
- PSYC 222 - 01PSYC 222 - 01 Minds, Brains, and Intelligent Behavior: An Introduction to Cognitive ScienceTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1164
- PSYC 232 - 01PSYC 232 - 01 Developmental PsychologyTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchow Library Classroom 030B1665
- PSYC 242 - 01PSYC 242 - 01 Social PsychologyMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchow Library Classroom 030B1676
- PSYC 252 - 01PSYC 252 - 01 Clinical PsychologyWF 11:00am-12:15pmWachenheim 0151677
- PSYC 313 - 01PSYC 313 - 01 Opioids and the Opioid Crisis: The Neuroscience Behind an EpidemicMR 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 1141678
- PSYC 335 - 01PSYC 335 - 01 Early Experience and the Developing InfantTR 11:20am-12:35pmBRINSMADE HOUSE1680
- PSYC 341 - 01PSYC 341 - 01 The Social Psychology of PrejudiceCancelled1681
- PSYC 341 - 02PSYC 341 - 02 The Social Psychology of PrejudiceCancelled1683
- PSYC 342 - 01PSYC 342 - 01 Social JudgmentTF 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 2191685
- PSYC 353 - 01PSYC 353 - 01 Family and School-Based InterventionsTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 2191686
- PSYC 356 - 01PSYC 356 - 01 Asylum: Understanding the Psychological Effects of Persecution, Trauma, and the Migration ExperienceW 1:10pm-3:50pmWachenheim 2191687
- PSYC 357 - 01PSYC 357 - 01 Clinical Psychology & Social Justice: Centering Marginalized PerspectivesTR 11:20am-12:35pmWachenheim 2221688
- PSYC 357 - 02PSYC 357 - 02 Clinical Psychology & Social Justice: Centering Marginalized PerspectivesM 1:00pm-4:00pmWachenheim 1161689
- PSYC 397 - 01PSYC 397 - 01 Independent Study: PsychologyTBA1690
- PSYC 403 - 01PSYC 403 - 01 The Psychology of LoveMR 1:10pm-2:25pmBRINSMADE HOUSE1691
- PSYC 405 - 01PSYC 405 - 01 Why We Believe What We BelieveMR 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 2221692
- PSYC 407 - 01PSYC 407 - 01 Success and FailureTF 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 2221693
- PSYC 410 - 01PSYC 410 - 01 Psychology of the InternetTF 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 2221694
- PSYC 418 - 01PSYC 418 - 01 Suckers and ScammersTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 2221696
- PSYC 493 - 01PSYC 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: PsychologyTBA1697
- PSYC 494 - 01PSYC 494 - 01 Senior Thesis: PsychologyTBA2026
- REL 111 - 01REL 111 - 01 Oracle, Prophecy, Possession: Commun(icat)ing with Divine PowersTF 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 1141832
- REL 113 - 01REL 113 - 01 Global Islamophobia: Crisis of the State and Reconfiguration of Global PowerMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 22000
- REL 118 - 01REL 118 - 01 Emerson's American Religion and EthicsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 1051834
- REL 201 - 01REL 201 - 01 The Hebrew BibleTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 0021835
- REL 211 - 01REL 211 - 01 Envisioning the Sacred: Representation and Religion in Christian and Muslim CulturesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmLawrence 0021387
- REL 243 - 01REL 243 - 01 Islamic Law: Past and PresentMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0401838
- REL 249 - 01REL 249 - 01 AntisemitismTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 1051843
- REL 255 - 01REL 255 - 01 Buddhism: Ideas and PracticesCancelled1845
- REL 263 - 01REL 263 - 01 Giving God a Backbeat: Rap Music, Religion & SpiritualityTR 9:55am-11:10amSawyer Mabie Room1360
- REL 281 - T1REL 281 - T1 Religion and ScienceTBA1848
- REL 284 - T1REL 284 - T1 From the Battlefield to the Hermit's Cell: Art and Experience in Norman EuropeTBA1389
- REL 286 - 01REL 286 - 01 The Bible & US Borders: Latinx EncountersTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchapiro Hall 1291850
- REL 291 - T1REL 291 - T1 Religion and Ecology in AmericaTBA1274
- REL 332 - 01REL 332 - 01 Islam and FeminismMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 0401852
- REL 347 - 01REL 347 - 01 MonstrosityTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5011855
- REL 397 - 01REL 397 - 01 Independent Study: ReligionTBA1857
- REL 401 - 01REL 401 - 01 Issues in the Study of ReligionW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1371858
- REL 493 - 01REL 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: ReligionTBA1859
- REL 497 - 01REL 497 - 01 Independent Study: ReligionTBA1860
- RLFR 101 - 01RLFR 101 - 01 Introduction to French Language and Francophone CulturesM-F 10:00am-10:50amHollander 2411741
- RLFR 103 - 01RLFR 103 - 01 Intermediate Studies in French Language and Francophone CulturesM-F 9:00am-9:50amGriffin 21742
- RLFR 103 - 02RLFR 103 - 02 Intermediate Studies in French Language and Francophone CulturesM-F 10:00am-10:50amGriffin 21933
- RLFR 105 - 01RLFR 105 - 01 Advanced French: Advanced Studies in French Language and Francophone CultureMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2401743
- RLFR 105 - 02RLFR 105 - 02 Advanced French: Advanced Studies in French Language and Francophone CultureMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2401744
- RLFR 260 - 01RLFR 260 - 01 Francophone Graphic NovelsTR 9:55am-11:10amHollander 2581745
- RLFR 316 - 01RLFR 316 - 01 Paris on Fire: Incendiary Voices from the City of LightMW 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 2401747
- RLFR 360 - 01RLFR 360 - 01 Repairing a Broken World: Intro to North African Contemporary ArtTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411750
- RLFR 384 - 01RLFR 384 - 01 The Maghreb in Europe: Colonialism, Migration, and RacismW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411992
- RLFR 493 - 01RLFR 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: FrenchTBA1756
- RLFR 497 - 01RLFR 497 - 01 Independent Study: FrenchTBA1757
- RLIT 101 - 01RLIT 101 - 01 Elementary ItalianM-F 9:00am-9:50amSchapiro Hall 2411773
- RLIT 103 - 01RLIT 103 - 01 History of Italy in MoviesMWF 10:00am-10:50amSchapiro Hall 2411774
- RLSP 101 - 01RLSP 101 - 01 Elementary SpanishM-F 10:00am-10:50amSawyer 5081758
- RLSP 103 - 01RLSP 103 - 01 Intensive Intermediate SpanishMWF 11:00am-11:50amSchapiro Hall 2411759
- RLSP 103 - 02RLSP 103 - 02 Intensive Intermediate SpanishW 2:10pm-3:00pmSchapiro Hall 2411770
- RLSP 103 - 03RLSP 103 - 03 Intensive Intermediate SpanishMWF 10:00am-10:50amSawyer Mabie Room1771
- RLSP 103 - 04RLSP 103 - 04 Intensive Intermediate SpanishTBA1772
- RLSP 105 - 01RLSP 105 - 01 Advanced Grammar, Composition, ConversationMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmHollander 0401762
- RLSP 105 - 02RLSP 105 - 02 Advanced Grammar, Composition, ConversationMWF 9:00am-9:50amGriffin 11763
- RLSP 201 - 01RLSP 201 - 01 The Spanish LabyrinthTR 11:20am-12:35pmSawyer 5081764
- RLSP 203 - 01RLSP 203 - 01 From Modernismo to El Boom de la NovelaMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1371765
- RLSP 209 - 01RLSP 209 - 01 Spanish for Heritage SpeakersMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmSchapiro Hall 2411766
- RLSP 219 - 01RLSP 219 - 01 Latin American Diasporic Cultures: The Venezuelan CaseTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 2411932
- RLSP 493 - 01RLSP 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: SpanishTBA1768
- RLSP 497 - 01RLSP 497 - 01 Independent Study: SpanishTBA1769
- RUSS 101 - 01RUSS 101 - 01 Elementary Russian IMWF 10:00am-10:50am
TR 9:55am-11:10amHollander 240
Hollander 2401239 - RUSS 103 - 01RUSS 103 - 01 Intermediate Russian IMWF 10:00am-10:50amHopkins Hall 1051240
- RUSS 201 - 01RUSS 201 - 01 Advanced Russian IMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmHollander 1401241
- RUSS 209 - 01RUSS 209 - 01 Siberia: Region Making and Imperial Imagination in RussiaTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 1401862
- RUSS 305 - 01RUSS 305 - 01 Dostoevsky and the Meaning of LifeMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1291242
- RUSS 348 - T1RUSS 348 - T1 Altering States: Post-Soviet Paradoxes of Identity and DifferenceCancelled1316
- RUSS 401 - 01RUSS 401 - 01 Let's Remember the USSR!MR 1:10pm-2:25pmSawyer Mabie Room1244
- RUSS 493 - 01RUSS 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: RussianTBA1245
- RUSS 497 - 01RUSS 497 - 01 Independent Study: RussianTBA1246
- SILP 101 - 01SILP 101 - 01 Elementary HebrewTBA1805
- SILP 103 - 01SILP 103 - 01 Elementary Hindi-UrduTBA1806
- SILP 105 - 01SILP 105 - 01 Elementary KoreanTBA1808
- SILP 107 - 01SILP 107 - 01 Elementary PersianTBA1810
- SILP 109 - 01SILP 109 - 01 Elementary PortugueseTBA1811
- SILP 111 - 01SILP 111 - 01 Elementary American Sign LanguageTBA1812
- SILP 113 - 01SILP 113 - 01 Elementary SwahiliTBA1813
- SILP 201 - 01SILP 201 - 01 Intermediate KoreanTBA1814
- SOC 101 - 01SOC 101 - 01 Invitation to SociologyMW 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 41297
- SOC 101 - 02SOC 101 - 02 Invitation to SociologyTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 21298
- SOC 150 - 01SOC 150 - 01 Data for JusticeTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock A1034
- SOC 150 - 02SOC 150 - 02 Data for JusticeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGreylock A1035
- SOC 219 - 01SOC 219 - 01 Images and SocietyCancelled1299
- SOC 224 - 01SOC 224 - 01 Going Nuclear: American Culture in the Atomic AgeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 71300
- SOC 244 - 01SOC 244 - 01 What They Saw in AmericaMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 11303
- SOC 246 - 01SOC 246 - 01 Goals Points SecondsMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0011306
- SOC 252 - 01SOC 252 - 01 Im/mobilitiesMR 2:35pm-3:50pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041307
- SOC 255 - 01SOC 255 - 01 Race, Environment, and the BodyTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 0021365
- SOC 262 - 01SOC 262 - 01 Paper TrailsWF 8:30am-9:45amClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041310
- SOC 291 - T1SOC 291 - T1 Religion and Ecology in AmericaTBA1275
- SOC 329 - 01SOC 329 - 01 Capitalism and the Future of WorkTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2411313
- SOC 348 - T1SOC 348 - T1 Altering States: Post-Soviet Paradoxes of Identity and DifferenceCancelled1314
- SOC 384 - 01SOC 384 - 01 The Maghreb in Europe: Colonialism, Migration, and RacismW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1411993
- SOC 397 - 01SOC 397 - 01 Independent Study: SociologyTBA1317
- SOC 493 - 01SOC 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: SociologyTBA1318
- STAT 101 - 01STAT 101 - 01 Elementary Statistics and Data AnalysisMWF 11:00am-11:50amWachenheim 1141498
- STAT 161 - 01STAT 161 - 01 Introductory Statistics for Social ScienceMWF 9:00am-9:50amClark Hall 1051511
- STAT 161 - 02STAT 161 - 02 Introductory Statistics for Social ScienceMWF 11:00am-11:50amChemistry 2021512
- STAT 201 - 01STAT 201 - 01 Statistics and Data AnalysisTF 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 1131516
- STAT 202 - 01STAT 202 - 01 Introduction to Statistical ModelingTR 8:30am-9:45amWachenheim 1131519
- STAT 202 - 02STAT 202 - 02 Introduction to Statistical ModelingTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 1131520
- STAT 341 - 01STAT 341 - 01 ProbabilityMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmWachenheim 0171424
- STAT 346 - 01STAT 346 - 01 Regression Theory and ApplicationsTR 9:55am-11:10amWachenheim 1141545
- STAT 355 - 01STAT 355 - 01 Multivariate Statistical AnalysisTF 1:10pm-2:25pmWachenheim 0021546
- STAT 360 - 01STAT 360 - 01 Statistical InferenceMWF 10:00am-10:50amWachenheim 1141547
- STAT 458 - 01STAT 458 - 01 Generalized Linear Models- Theory and ApplicationsTF 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 1161548
- STAT 493 - 01STAT 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: StatisticsTBA1549
- STAT 497 - 01STAT 497 - 01 Independent Study: StatisticsTBA1550
- STAT 499 - 01STAT 499 - 01 Statistics ColloquiumW 1:10pm-3:50pmWachenheim 0151551
- STS 150 - 01STS 150 - 01 Data for JusticeTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock A1036
- STS 150 - 02STS 150 - 02 Data for JusticeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGreylock A1037
- STS 212 - 01STS 212 - 01 Ethics and Reproductive TechnologiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 11591
- STS 224 - 01STS 224 - 01 Going Nuclear: American Culture in the Atomic AgeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGriffin 71302
- STS 236 - 01STS 236 - 01 Aesthetics of Automation: From the Mechanical Turk to A.I.TR 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2411059
- STS 262 - 01STS 262 - 01 Paper TrailsWF 8:30am-9:45amClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041312
- STS 281 - T1STS 281 - T1 Religion and ScienceTBA1849
- STS 305 - 01STS 305 - 01 Environmental Political ThoughtW 7:00pm-9:40pmGriffin 11722
- STS 323 - 01STS 323 - 01 Writing Gender in Sci-Fi and Speculative FictionsW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 2411060
- STS 376 - 01STS 376 - 01 Human-Computer InteractionMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchow Library Classroom 030A1055
- STS 397 - 01STS 397 - 01 Independent Study: Science and Technology StudiesTBA1063
- STS 411 - 01STS 411 - 01 MonstrosityTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5011856
- THEA 101 - 01THEA 101 - 01 The Art of Playing: An Introduction to Theatre and PerformanceMW 11:00am-12:15pmDirecting Studio1198
- THEA 101 - 02THEA 101 - 02 The Art of Playing: An Introduction to Theatre and PerformanceM 7:00pm-9:40pmDirecting Studio1214
- THEA 103 - 01THEA 103 - 01 Acting: FundamentalsM 1:10pm-3:50pmDirecting Studio1219
- THEA 103 - 02THEA 103 - 02 Acting: FundamentalsM 7:00pm-9:40pm62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio1220
- THEA 104 - 01THEA 104 - 01 Greek Literature: Performance, Conflict, DesireTR 9:55am-11:10amSchow Library Classroom 030B1822
- THEA 183 - 01THEA 183 - 01 Stage Direction for Opera and Musical TheatreTF 2:35pm-3:50pmBernhard 301930
- THEA 216 - 01THEA 216 - 01 Asian/American Identities in MotionWF 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671262
- THEA 217 - 01THEA 217 - 01 Acting Through ImpulseT 1:10pm-3:50pmDirecting Studio1221
- THEA 225 - 01THEA 225 - 01 Facilitating Creativity: Introduction to Stage Management TheoryTR 9:55am-11:10amHard62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671222
- THEA 231 - 01THEA 231 - 01 Race and PerformanceTR 11:20am-12:35pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671935
- THEA 239 - 01THEA 239 - 01 Introduction to Dramaturgy: The Art & Practice of StorytellingMW 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio1948
- THEA 266 - 01THEA 266 - 01 Introduction to PlaywritingR 1:10pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1671224
- THEA 268 - 01THEA 268 - 01 Young, Gifted & Black : Meditations on the Revolutionary Black American Theatre CanonM 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)2003
- THEA 305 - 01THEA 305 - 01 Designing Character: Introduction to Costume Design for PerformanceW 1:10pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Design Room 181225
- THEA 316 - 01THEA 316 - 01 Scenic Design for the StageF 1:10pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Design Room 181959
- THEA 340 - 01THEA 340 - 01 Shakespeare on Page, Stage and Screen: Text to PerformanceMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1227
- THEA 390 - 01THEA 390 - 01 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1340
- THEA 390 - 02THEA 390 - 02 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1980
- THEA 397 - 01THEA 397 - 01 Independent Study: TheatreTBA1230
- THEA 455 - 01THEA 455 - 01 Advanced PracticumTBA1231
- THEA 493 - 01THEA 493 - 01 Senior Honors Thesis: TheatreTBA1232
- WGSS 101 - 01WGSS 101 - 01 Introduction to Women's, Gender & Sexuality StudiesTR 9:55am-11:10amSchapiro Hall 1411323
- WGSS 101 - 02WGSS 101 - 02 Introduction to Women's, Gender & Sexuality StudiesTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGreylock Makepeace1324
- WGSS 101 - 03WGSS 101 - 03 Introduction to Women's, Gender & Sexuality StudiesMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 41863
- WGSS 105 - 01WGSS 105 - 01 American GirlhoodsTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room1553
- WGSS 113 - 01WGSS 113 - 01 The Feminist Poetry MovementTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5081562
- WGSS 150 - 01WGSS 150 - 01 Data for JusticeTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock A1038
- WGSS 150 - 02WGSS 150 - 02 Data for JusticeTR 11:20am-12:35pmGreylock A1039
- WGSS 152 - 01WGSS 152 - 01 The Fourteenth Amendment and the Meanings of EqualityCancelled1463
- WGSS 202 - 01WGSS 202 - 01 Foundations in Sexuality StudiesMR 1:10pm-2:25pmGreylock Makepeace1326
- WGSS 211 - 01WGSS 211 - 01 Gender in the Global EconomyTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGreylock Makepeace1329
- WGSS 212 - 01WGSS 212 - 01 Ethics and Reproductive TechnologiesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 11592
- WGSS 243 - 01WGSS 243 - 01 Islamic Law: Past and PresentMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0401842
- WGSS 268 - 01WGSS 268 - 01 Young, Gifted & Black : Meditations on the Revolutionary Black American Theatre CanonM 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)2002
- WGSS 284 - T1WGSS 284 - T1 From the Battlefield to the Hermit's Cell: Art and Experience in Norman EuropeTBA1390
- WGSS 306 - 01WGSS 306 - 01 Queer in Asian AmericaTR 8:30am-9:45amSawyer 5081974
- WGSS 311 - 01WGSS 311 - 01 Trans Film and MediaM 7:00pm-9:40pmSchapiro Hall 1291332
- WGSS 313 - 01WGSS 313 - 01 Gender, Race, and the Power of Personal AestheticsCancelled1578
- WGSS 315 - 01WGSS 315 - 01 Paris on Fire: Incendiary Voices from the City of LightMW 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 2401749
- WGSS 329 - 01WGSS 329 - 01 Writing Gender in Sci-Fi and Speculative FictionsW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 2411062
- WGSS 334 - 01WGSS 334 - 01 Islam and FeminismMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 0401854
- WGSS 339 - 01WGSS 339 - 01 The Social Psychology of PrejudiceCancelled1682
- WGSS 339 - 02WGSS 339 - 02 The Social Psychology of PrejudiceCancelled1684
- WGSS 345 - 01WGSS 345 - 01 The Pedagogy of LiberationTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchapiro Hall 1411334
- WGSS 351 - 01WGSS 351 - 01 Trans/national FemininitiesMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 41950
- WGSS 376 - 01WGSS 376 - 01 Sex, Gender, and the Law in U.S. HistoryMW 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 2411496
- WGSS 391 - 01WGSS 391 - 01 Contemporary North American Queer Literatures and TheoriesCancelled1648
- WGSS 398 - 01WGSS 398 - 01 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1335
- WGSS 398 - 02WGSS 398 - 02 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsCancelled1976
- WGSS 402 - 01WGSS 402 - 01 Marxist Feminisms: Race, Performance, LaborW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 3171445
- WGSS 493 - 01WGSS 493 - 01 Senior Thesis: Women's & Gender StudiesTBA1341
- WGSS 497 - 01WGSS 497 - 01 Independent Study: Women's & Gender StudiesTBA1342
- AAS 10 - 01AAS 10 - 01 Reading + Drawing Asian American Graphic NarrativesCancelled1019
- AAS 11 - 01AAS 11 - 01 Visual Literature: An Exploration of Image and TextCancelled1020
- AFR 19 - 01AFR 19 - 01 Black Storytelling From Page To StageTR 1:00pm-4:00pmDirecting Studio1021
- AFR 30 - 01AFR 30 - 01 Sen Project: Africana StudiesTBA1022
- AFR 99 - 01AFR 99 - 01 Ind Study: Africana StudiesTBA1023
- AMST 11 - 01AMST 11 - 01 Remnants: The Social Life of SewingTR 1:00pm-4:00pmSawyer 2761024
- AMST 19 - 01AMST 19 - 01 Unfixing Masks, Upending Masquerades: Writing into the Waters of Melville's Benito CerenoCancelled1025
- AMST 30 - 01AMST 30 - 01 Senior Honors: American StudiesTBA1026
- AMST 99 - 01AMST 99 - 01 Independent Study: American StudiesTBA1027
- ANSO 10 - 01ANSO 10 - 01 Urban Inequality, Policing, and Struggles for Racial JusticeTR 1:00pm-4:00pmKent-StollSchapiro Hall 1411028
- ANSO 15 - 01ANSO 15 - 01 "It's a love story, baby, just say yes": Media, messages, and healthy relationshipsWF 1:00pm-4:00pmBossongSchow Library Classroom 030B1029
- ANSO 17 - 01ANSO 17 - 01 Journalism TodayTR 10:00am-1:00pmHollander 2581030
- ANSO 18 - 01ANSO 18 - 01 Writing Your Self in Research: An Introduction to Performance AutoethnographyCancelled1315
- ANTH 31 - 01ANTH 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: AnthropologyTBA1031
- ANTH 99 - 01ANTH 99 - 01 Independent Study: AnthropologyTBA1032
- ARAB 14 - 01ARAB 14 - 01 Empowered Embodiment: An Introduction to Movement ImprovisationCancelled1033
- ARAB 16 - 01ARAB 16 - 01 The Art of Writing: Introduction to Arabic and Japanese CalligraphyTR 1:00pm-4:00pmOkamoto1316
- ARAB 31 - 01ARAB 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Arabic StudiesTBA1035
- ARAB 88 - 01ARAB 88 - 01 Arabic Sustaining ProgramM-F 9:00am-9:50amIssaouiSchapiro Hall 2411036
- ARAB 99 - 01ARAB 99 - 01 Independent Study: ArabicTBA1037
- ARTH 14 - 01ARTH 14 - 01 The Digital Humanities ToolkitCancelled1038
- ARTH 18 - 01ARTH 18 - 01 Archaeological Illustration: Problems in the Representation of AntiquityCancelled1039
- ARTH 19 - 01ARTH 19 - 01 Chinese Painting: Deep LookingTR 10:00am-1:00pmLawrence 0011040
- ARTH 20 - 01ARTH 20 - 01 Brazilian Avant-Garde FilmTR 10:00am-1:00pmLawrence 0031041
- ARTH 23 - 01ARTH 23 - 01 Art and Access: Disability Justice as Subject, Material, and Form in Contemporary ArtCancelled1043
- ARTH 27 - 01ARTH 27 - 01 Introduction to Art WritingCancelled1044
- ARTH 31 - 01ARTH 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Art HistoryTBA1046
- ARTH 51 - 01ARTH 51 - 01 International Study TripTBA1047
- ARTH 99 - 01ARTH 99 - 01 Independent Study: Art HistoryTBA1049
- ARTS 118 - 01ARTS 118 - 01 Intensive: Introduction to DrawingMTWR 10:00am-4:00pmSpencer 3181007
- ARTS 17 - 01ARTS 17 - 01 Visible Mending as a Political ActTR 10:00am-1:00pmPiontkowskiSpencer 2121050
- ARTS 26 - 01ARTS 26 - 01 Multifaceted PerformanceCancelled1051
- ARTS 31 - 01ARTS 31 - 01 Senior Studio: Independent Project Art StudioTBA1052
- ARTS 35 - 01ARTS 35 - 01 Leaf, Cocoon, Cloth: Silk Painting and Introduction to Natural DyesMW 4:00pm-7:00pmDiFronzoSpencer 1241053
- ARTS 36 - 01ARTS 36 - 01 Art and AI: Generative Art MakingTR 10:00am-1:00pmMcGrorySpencer 2161054
- ARTS 37 - 01ARTS 37 - 01 The Still Life as Micro-HistoryTR 10:00am-1:00pmSpencer 2251055
- ARTS 40 - 01ARTS 40 - 01 Intensive: Introduction to DrawingMTWR 10:00am-4:00pmSpencer 3181006
- ARTS 99 - 01ARTS 99 - 01 Independent Study: Art StudioTBA1056
- ASIA 31 - 01ASIA 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Asian StudiesTBA1057
- ASIA 99 - 01ASIA 99 - 01 Independent Study: Asian StudiesTBA1058
- ASTR 16 - 01ASTR 16 - 01 An infinity of worlds: planets and the search for life in the universeMWF 10:00am-12:00pmWittenmyerPhysics 1141059
- ASTR 22 - 01ASTR 22 - 01 Research ParticipationTBA1304
- ASTR 31 - 01ASTR 31 - 01 Senior Research: AstronomyTBA1060
- ASTR 32 - 01ASTR 32 - 01 Senior Research: AstrophysicsTBA1061
- ASTR 99 - 01ASTR 99 - 01 Independent Study: Astronomy or AstrophysicsTBA1062
- BIMO 99 - 01BIMO 99 - 01 Independent Study: Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyTBA1064
- BIOL 13 - 01BIOL 13 - 01 Intro to Animal TrackingTR 10:00am-3:00pmYacobellis,
Edwards, JoanRosenburg Center Classroom1065 - BIOL 22 - 01BIOL 22 - 01 Introduction to Biological ResearchTBA1066
- BIOL 23 - 01BIOL 23 - 01 Tropical Ecology: From the Andes to the Amazon basinTBAHopper Sci (South Sci) 2211011
- BIOL 31 - 01BIOL 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: BiologyTBA1067
- BIOL 99 - 01BIOL 99 - 01 Independent Study: BiologyTBA1068
- BIOL 99 - 02BIOL 99 - 02 Independent Study: BiologyTBA1353
- CAOS 31 - 01CAOS 31 - 01 Sen Thesis: Coastal and Ocean StudiesTBA1008
- CAOS 99 - 01CAOS 99 - 01 Independent Study: Coastal and Ocean StudiesTBA1009
- CCE 11 - 01CCE 11 - 01 Investing in a Real FundTWF 10:00am-12:00pmPesikoff,
MeyerGriffin 71069 - CCE 12 - 01CCE 12 - 01 Designing Ideas for Campus and the Local CommunityCancelled1317
- CCE 13 - 01CCE 13 - 01 INFLUENCE®, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship: An Intensive VentureshipMTWR 10:00am-1:00pmShahBiology 2021070
- CCE 14 - 01CCE 14 - 01 The Business of Healthcare (Beyond the Doctor's Office)MWF 1:00pm-3:00pmRoweSchow Library Classroom 030A1323
- CCE 19 - 01CCE 19 - 01 Healthcare ShadowingTBAGonzales1071
- CCE 21 - 01CCE 21 - 01 Career Exploration: Winter Study Internships!TBA1072
- CCE 30 - 01CCE 30 - 01 EMT TrainingTR 9:00am-3:00pmGonzalesGoodrich 2071297
- CCE 35 - 01CCE 35 - 01 Deconstructing Finance: An IntroductionMWF 10:00am-12:00pmLeeClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041126
- CCE 42 - 01CCE 42 - 01 Exploring CareersM-F 10:30am-3:00pmOliver,
OsefSchapiro Hall 1291073 - CCE 57 - 01CCE 57 - 01 Approaching Ethical Dilemmas in HealthcareCancelled1074
- CCE 58 - 01CCE 58 - 01 Careers & Impact in Healthcare: Voices from Beyond the Purple ValleyR 1:00pm-4:00pm
F 10:00am-12:00pmWeberHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)
Hopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)
Hopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1296 - CHEM 10 - 01CHEM 10 - 01 ZymurgyMWF 10:00am-1:00pmChemistry 104B1075
- CHEM 11 - 01CHEM 11 - 01 Time Travel in Fact, Fiction, and FilmMWF 10:00am-12:00pmChemistry 2061076
- CHEM 12 - 01CHEM 12 - 01 The Practice and Processes of Making PotteryMWF 12:00pm-3:00pmDuncan1077
- CHEM 12 - 02CHEM 12 - 02 The Practice and Processes of Making PotteryMWF 4:00pm-7:00pmDuncan1305
- CHEM 16 - 01CHEM 16 - 01 Glass and GlassblowingM-F 9:00am-12:00pmMorley 2451078
- CHEM 18 - 01CHEM 18 - 01 Introduction to Research in BiochemistryTBAHopper Sci (South Sci) 1071079
- CHEM 18 - 02CHEM 18 - 02 Introduction to Research in BiochemistryTBA1423
- CHEM 24 - 01CHEM 24 - 01 Introduction to Research in Physical ChemistryW 10:00am-4:00pmHopper Sci (South Sci) 0351081
- CHEM 31 - 01CHEM 31 - 01 Senior Research and Thesis: ChemistryTBA1080
- CHEM 99 - 01CHEM 99 - 01 Independent Study: ChemistryTBA1082
- CHEM 99 - 02CHEM 99 - 02 Independent Study: ChemistryTBA1357
- CHIN 31 - 01CHIN 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: ChineseTBA1083
- CHIN 88 - 01CHIN 88 - 01 Chinese Sustaining ProgramMTR 9:00am-9:50am
MTR 9:00am-9:50amLin,
LawSchapiro Hall 141
Schapiro Hall 1371084 - CHIN 99 - 01CHIN 99 - 01 Independent Study: ChineseTBA1085
- CLAS 11 - 01CLAS 11 - 01 Fundamentals of BakingMTW 10:00am-12:00pmWolfson-SeeleySt. John Kitchen1086
- CLAS 13 - 01CLAS 13 - 01 Advanced Techniques in BakingMTW 1:00pm-3:00pmWolfson-SeeleySt. John Kitchen1087
- CLAS 24 - 01CLAS 24 - 01 Re/Constitution: A Collaborative Project in Constitution-Making and AmendingTR 10:00am-1:00pmHollander 2401326
- CLAS 31 - 01CLAS 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: ClassicsTBA1088
- CLAS 99 - 01CLAS 99 - 01 Independent Study: ClassicsTBA1089
- CLGR 99 - 01CLGR 99 - 01 Independent Study: GreekTBA1090
- CLIA 11 - 01CLIA 11 - 01 Teaching 3rd Grade about Zebrafish - BioEYESTBASchiek,
Marvin, MarthaMorley 1301091 - CLIA 12 - 01CLIA 12 - 01 "Be"ing Whole; integrating mindfulness through movement, art, nature, and creativityM 10:00am-4:00pmSosneGreylock Studio1092
- CLIA 13 - 01CLIA 13 - 01 Depictions and Portrayals of Minoritized Identities in Picture BooksCancelled1093
- CLIA 14 - 01CLIA 14 - 01 Food Justice and the Righteous EntrepreneurTR 10:00am-1:00pmCurtinSawyer 5011094
- CLIA 24 - 01CLIA 24 - 01 Class of 1959 TeachNYC Urban Education ProgramTBA1096
- CLLA 99 - 01CLLA 99 - 01 Independent Study: LatinTBA1097
- CMAJ 31 - 01CMAJ 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Contract MajorTBA1098
- CMAJ 99 - 01CMAJ 99 - 01 Independent Study: Contract MajorTBA1099
- COGS 31 - 01COGS 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Cognitive ScienceTBA1100
- COGS 99 - 01COGS 99 - 01 Ind Study: Cognitive ScienceTBA1101
- COMP 13 - 01COMP 13 - 01 On StupidityTR 1:00pm-4:00pmGreenwald,
PaekGriffin 51102 - COMP 15 - 01COMP 15 - 01 Comics and Visual ThinkingTR 10:00am-1:00pmHollander 0401103
- COMP 16 - 01COMP 16 - 01 Introduction to Swedish Language and CultureTR 10:00am-1:00pm
W 10:00am-12:00pmHollander 241
Hollander 2411104 - COMP 31 - 01COMP 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Comparative LiteratureTBA1105
- COMP 99 - 01COMP 99 - 01 Independent Study: Comparative LiteratureTBA1106
- CSCI 10 - 01CSCI 10 - 01 Unix and Software ToolsMTWR 10:00am-12:00pmDoretBiology 3011107
- CSCI 13 - 01CSCI 13 - 01 User Experience Design: Designing for PeopleMWF 10:00am-12:00pmCohenWachenheim 0191108
- CSCI 16 - 01CSCI 16 - 01 Introduction to the Computer Science Research ProcessTR 10:00am-1:00pmWachenheim 0021324
- CSCI 17 - 01CSCI 17 - 01 Fiber Arts for AllCancelled1109
- CSCI 18 - 01CSCI 18 - 01 The Evolution of Magic: The Gathering - Deck Archetypes and Strategies from 1993 to TodayCancelled1110
- CSCI 19 - 01CSCI 19 - 01 Law, Cybersecurity, and SocietyTR 10:00am-1:00pmWard,
MassaroSchow Library Classroom 030B1111 - CSCI 23 - 01CSCI 23 - 01 Research and Development in ComputingTBA1112
- CSCI 31 - 01CSCI 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Computer ScienceTBA1113
- CSCI 99 - 01CSCI 99 - 01 Independent Study: Computer ScienceTBA1115
- DANC 10 - 01DANC 10 - 01 Taiji Flow: Connecting to Nature and Self Through Meditative MovementMWF 9:30am-11:30amOurah'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1116
- ECON 15 - 01ECON 15 - 01 Introduction to Management ConsultingTWR 10:00am-12:30pmMcKelveyWachenheim 0151117
- ECON 22 - 01ECON 22 - 01 Volunteer Income Tax AssistantMWF 10:00am-12:00pmChao, Matthew,
ReischeWachenheim 0171118 - ECON 23 - 01ECON 23 - 01 Investing With Purpose: The planning and practice of endowment investingTWR 10:00am-12:00pmKochardHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1119
- ECON 24 - 01ECON 24 - 01 The Economics, Geography and Appreciation of WineTR 7:00pm-10:00pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)1120
- ECON 25 - 01ECON 25 - 01 Advanced Topics in Economic TheoryTR 10:00am-1:00pmHopkins Hall 0021121
- ECON 26 - 01ECON 26 - 01 Micro-Simulation Modeling for Ex Ante Policy AnalysisM-F 10:00am-12:30pmCDE 2181313
- ECON 28 - 01ECON 28 - 01 Product Management and Solution DesignMWF 1:00pm-3:00pmWellensteinSchapiro Hall 1411122
- ECON 29 - 01ECON 29 - 01 Infrastructure Policy in Developing CountriesTWF 10:00am-12:30pmSheahanCDE 2081312
- ECON 30 - 01ECON 30 - 01 Honors Project: EconomicsTBA1123
- ECON 31 - 01ECON 31 - 01 Honors Thesis: EconomicsTBA1124
- ECON 33 - 01ECON 33 - 01 Climate and Energy FinanceTR 1:00pm-4:00pmButlerWachenheim 0171125
- ECON 34 - 01ECON 34 - 01 Data for DevelopmentMWF 9:00am-12:00pmCDE A2111314
- ECON 36 - 01ECON 36 - 01 The Liberal Arts in InvestingR 1:00pm-4:00pm
F 10:00am-1:00pmBissellWachenheim 002
Wachenheim 0021127 - ECON 37 - 01ECON 37 - 01 Storytelling in BusinessTR 4:00pm-7:00pmBirdseySchapiro Hall 1411325
- ECON 38 - 01ECON 38 - 01 Case Studies: How the Internet Created a Cultural and Business RevolutionCancelled1129
- ECON 51 - 01ECON 51 - 01 Infrastructure Policy in Developing CountriesTWF 10:00am-12:30pmSheahanCDE 2081308
- ECON 52 - 01ECON 52 - 01 Micro-Simulation Modeling for Ex Ante Policy AnalysisM-F 10:00am-12:30pmCDE 2181309
- ECON 53 - 01ECON 53 - 01 Data for DevelopmentMWF 9:00am-12:00pmCDE A2111310
- ECON 55 - 01ECON 55 - 01 Monetary Policy in Emerging and Developing EconomiesMWF 9:00am-12:00pmCDE B2191311
- ECON 57 - 01ECON 57 - 01 Independent Research: Economic PolicyTBA1130
- ECON 99 - 01ECON 99 - 01 Independent Study: EconomicsTBA1131
- ENGL 12 - 01ENGL 12 - 01 D.I.Y. Publications: Paper, Print, and PowerCancelled1307
- ENGL 19 - 01ENGL 19 - 01 The Personal is Political: A Narrative Nonfiction Writing WorkshopMWF 10:00am-12:00pmMunemoHollander 1401132
- ENGL 22 - 01ENGL 22 - 01 Shakespeare's Love's Labor's LostMWF 10:00am-12:00pmSawyer 5011133
- ENGL 24 - 01ENGL 24 - 01 The Craft of Fiction: A Short Story IntensiveMW 10:00am-1:00pmHoughtelingHollander 0401134
- ENGL 25 - 01ENGL 25 - 01 Artists' and Writers' NotebooksTR 10:00am-1:00pmMeintjesJewish Religious Center1318
- ENGL 28 - 01ENGL 28 - 01 Adorno's Aesthetic TheoryM-F 1:00pm-4:00pmHollander 0401135
- ENGL 29 - 01ENGL 29 - 01 The Observer, The Subject, and The AudienceCancelled1136
- ENGL 30 - 01ENGL 30 - 01 Honors Project: EnglishTBA1137
- ENGL 31 - 01ENGL 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: EnglishTBA1138
- ENGL 34 - 01ENGL 34 - 01 The Name is Bond, James Bond: Ian Fleming's Creation, Entertainment, and the Legacies of EmpiresMWF 10:00am-12:00pmGriffin 41139
- ENGL 35 - 01ENGL 35 - 01 Alternative LiteraturesTR 1:00pm-4:00pmGreerHollander 1401140
- ENGL 99 - 01ENGL 99 - 01 Independent Study: EnglishTBA1141
- ENVI 14 - 01ENVI 14 - 01 Environmental Law and PolicyRF 10:00am-1:00pmGarfieldSchapiro Hall 1411142
- ENVI 24 - 01ENVI 24 - 01 Farming New England: A Deep Dive Into the Regional Food SystemTR 10:00am-1:00pmClass of '66 Env Ctr Room 1041143
- ENVI 31 - 01ENVI 31 - 01 Senior Research and Thesis: Environmental StudiesTBA1144
- ENVI 99 - 01ENVI 99 - 01 Independent Study: Environmental StudiesTBA1145
- GBST 30 - 01GBST 30 - 01 Sr Proj: Global StudiesTBA1146
- GBST 31 - 01GBST 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Global StudiesTBA1147
- GBST 44 - 01GBST 44 - 01 Global Challenges, Global ResearchTBA1013
- GBST 99 - 01GBST 99 - 01 Indep. Study: Global StudiesTBA1299
- GEOS 14 - 01GEOS 14 - 01 Drawing Science Studio LabF 10:00am-4:00pmLevato CoyneWachenheim 1091148
- GEOS 16 - 01GEOS 16 - 01 Fire and IceTR 1:00pm-4:00pmWachenheim 0051014
- GEOS 17 - 01GEOS 17 - 01 Hurricanes / Typhoons and Global WarmingCancelled1149
- GEOS 22 - 01GEOS 22 - 01 Geosciences ResearchTBA1150
- GEOS 31 - 01GEOS 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: GeosciencesTBA1151
- GEOS 99 - 01GEOS 99 - 01 Independent Study: GeosciencesTBA1152
- GERM 30 - 01GERM 30 - 01 Honors Project: GermanTBA1153
- GERM 31 - 01GERM 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: GermanTBA1154
- GERM 88 - 01GERM 88 - 01 German Sustaining ProgramM-F 9:00am-9:50am
M-F 9:00am-9:50amMayurathan,
MeisterHollander 140
Hollander 1581155 - GERM 99 - 01GERM 99 - 01 Independent Study: GermanTBA1156
- HIST 21 - 01HIST 21 - 01 Domestic Terrorism: From the Klan, through the Oklahoma City Bombing, to January 6TR 1:00pm-4:00pmShapiro,
JeffressHollander 3171157 - HIST 23 - 01HIST 23 - 01 Maps: Past, Present & FutureTWR 10:00am-12:30pmPaperSawyer 5081158
- HIST 29 - 01HIST 29 - 01 Gallery to Garment: Exploring Costume History in Museums & BeyondWR 10:00am-1:00pmMacEwenHollander 3171159
- HIST 30 - 01HIST 30 - 01 Workshop in Independent ResearchTBA1160
- HIST 31 - 01HIST 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: HistoryTBA1161
- HIST 99 - 01HIST 99 - 01 Independent Study: HistoryTBA1162
- INTR 99 - 01INTR 99 - 01 Indep Study: Interdisciplinary1163
- JAPN 11 - 01JAPN 11 - 01 Introduction to Sake: The Art and Science of Japanese Rice WineW 10:00am-4:00pm1164
- JAPN 25 - 01JAPN 25 - 01 Exploring Kyoto Culture: Exploring 1200 years of Kyoto's Cultural HistoryTBA1015
- JAPN 31 - 01JAPN 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: JapaneseTBA1165
- JAPN 88 - 01JAPN 88 - 01 Japanese Sustaining ProgramM-F 9:00am-9:50amSawyer 5011166
- JAPN 99 - 01JAPN 99 - 01 Independent Study: JapaneseTBA1167
- JLST 99 - 01JLST 99 - 01 Independent Study: Legal StudiesTBA1168
- JWST 31 - 01JWST 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Jewish StudiesTBA1169
- JWST 99 - 01JWST 99 - 01 Independent Study: Jewish StudiesTBA1170
- LATS 31 - 01LATS 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Latina/o StudiesTBA1300
- LATS 99 - 01LATS 99 - 01 Independent Study: Latina/o StudiesTBA1301
- LEAD 12 - 01LEAD 12 - 01 Principles and Practice of Effective LeadershipCancelled1171
- LEAD 15 - 01LEAD 15 - 01 Leadership and The Good Life: Your First Decade After WilliamsR 4:00pm-7:00pm
F 10:00am-1:00pmAnsteyHollander 241
Hollander 2411172 - LEAD 16 - 01LEAD 16 - 01 Effective Oral PersuasionMTR 1:00pm-3:45pmOlson,
SchwedGriffin 31173 - LEAD 17 - 01LEAD 17 - 01 Mindful Leadership: what do we need now?TR 10:00am-1:00pmHuntGreylock Studio1174
- LEAD 18 - 01LEAD 18 - 01 Wilderness Emergency Medicine - Wilderness First Responder CertificationTBAGreylock D1175
- LEAD 22 - 01LEAD 22 - 01 Ski Patrol - Outdoor Emergency ResponseTBAGreylock A1176
- LEAD 99 - 01LEAD 99 - 01 Independent Study: Leadership StudiesTBA1177
- MATH 100 - 01MATH 100 - 01 Intensive: Mathematics ImmersionM-F 10:00am-12:00pm
M-F 2:00pm-4:00pmWachenheim 114
Wachenheim 1141004 - MATH 12 - 01MATH 12 - 01 The Mathematics of LEGO and Outreach ActivitiesMWF 10:00am-12:00pmWachenheim 1131179
- MATH 14 - 01MATH 14 - 01 Flow YogaMT 12:30pm-2:00pm
WR 12:30pm-2:00pmLoganTasha Yoga Studio, Spring Stre
Greylock Dining Hall1180 - MATH 16 - 01MATH 16 - 01 Translating Poetry for KidsCancelled1181
- MATH 21 - 01MATH 21 - 01 Up-cycling of Waste Cotton into BioplasticsCancelled1182
- MATH 22 - 01MATH 22 - 01 Stoppard and Go: Interpretation and Scenework for Three of Tom Stoppard's PlaysCancelled1183
- MATH 30 - 01MATH 30 - 01 Senior Project: MathematicsTBA1185
- MATH 31 - 01MATH 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: MathematicsTBA1186
- MATH 40 - 01MATH 40 - 01 Intensive: Mathematics ImmersionM-F 10:00am-12:00pm
M-F 2:00pm-4:00pmWachenheim 114
Wachenheim 1141005 - MATH 49 - 01MATH 49 - 01 Life with DogsTWR 10:00am-12:00pmPacelli, Allison,
ServinWachenheim 1161303 - MATH 99 - 01MATH 99 - 01 Independent Study: MathematicsTBA1187
- MUS 11 - 01MUS 11 - 01 I/O Festival of New MusicCancelled1188
- MUS 12 - 01MUS 12 - 01 The World and Wes AndersonMWF 10:00am-12:00pmBernhard 301189
- MUS 16 - 01MUS 16 - 01 Zimbabwean Music ExperienceTR 10:00am-1:00pmChapin Hall1190
- MUS 19 - 01MUS 19 - 01 Williams Opera WorkshopM-F 1:00pm-3:00pm
M-F 4:00pm-6:00pmLa Rosa,
Casey, ErinChapin Hall
Chapin Hall1191 - MUS 23 - 01MUS 23 - 01 Gaming Renaissance Europe: Music and Culture in the Illustrated World of PentimentTBACancelled1194
- MUS 24 - 01MUS 24 - 01 How to Grow a Band: Collaborative Writing and Performance with DarlingsideTR 1:00pm-4:00pmMukharji,
PaseltinerGreylock Makepeace1195 - MUS 26 - 01MUS 26 - 01 Songwriting in NashvilleCancelled1016
- MUS 27 - 01MUS 27 - 01 Introduction to Middle Eastern Hand DrummingTW 1:00pm-4:00pmEl-Aasser'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi1196
- MUS 28 - 01MUS 28 - 01 The Oxford Evensong ExperienceTBALenti,
Pyper, Tim1017 - MUS 31 - 01MUS 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: MusicTBA1197
- MUS 50 - 01MUS 50 - 01 Musicianship and WellnessCancelled1198
- MUS 99 - 01MUS 99 - 01 Independent Study: MusicTBA1199
- NSCI 10 - 01NSCI 10 - 01 Neuroscience of LearningTWR 10:00am-12:00pmWillis,
WillisHorn Hall 103C1200 - NSCI 31 - 01NSCI 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: NeuroscienceTBA1201
- NSCI 99 - 01NSCI 99 - 01 Independent Study: NeuroscienceTBA1202
- PHIL 100 - 01PHIL 100 - 01 Intensive: History of Modern Moral and Political PhilosophyM-F 10:00am-1:00pmGriffin 51010
- PHIL 12 - 01PHIL 12 - 01 Yoga: Meditation in ActionMTWR 2:15pm-4:00pmO'ConnorTasha Yoga Studio, Spring Stre1203
- PHIL 15 - 01PHIL 15 - 01 Automata to AI: Ancient Ethical Assumptions Implicit in Our Current Attitudes toward genAICancelled1204
- PHIL 16 - 01PHIL 16 - 01 Thomas Aquinas and the Summa TheologiaeM 10:00am-1:00pm
F 4:00pm-7:00pmStangoHollander 258
Hollander 2581322 - PHIL 30 - 01PHIL 30 - 01 Senior Essay: PhilosophyTBA1205
- PHIL 31 - 01PHIL 31 - 01 Senior Thesis or Essay: PhilosophyTBA1206
- PHIL 42 - 01PHIL 42 - 01 Intensive: History of Modern Moral and Political PhilosophyM-F 10:00am-1:00pmGriffin 51003
- PHIL 99 - 01PHIL 99 - 01 Independent Study: PhilosophyTBA1207
- PHLH 16 - 01PHLH 16 - 01 Addiction Studies & DiagnosticsMW 7:00pm-9:30pmBergerWachenheim 1161208
- PHLH 23 - 01PHLH 23 - 01 Navigating Ethical Challenges in Medical School and Beyond: Practical and Philosophical IssuesTR 1:00pm-4:00pmGriffin 11210
- PHLH 99 - 01PHLH 99 - 01 Independent Study: Public HealthTBA1209
- PHYS 10 - 01PHYS 10 - 01 Light and HolographyMWF 10:00am-12:00pmPhysics 2051211
- PHYS 12 - 01PHYS 12 - 01 Drawing as a Learnable SkillTR 10:00am-1:00pmEhrichSchow Library Classroom 030A1212
- PHYS 22 - 01PHYS 22 - 01 Research ParticipationTBA1213
- PHYS 31 - 01PHYS 31 - 01 Senior Research: PhysicsTBA1214
- PHYS 32 - 01PHYS 32 - 01 Senior Research: AstrophysicsTBA1063
- PHYS 99 - 01PHYS 99 - 01 Independent Study: PhysicsTBA1215
- POEC 10 - 01POEC 10 - 01 Key Trends in US Industrial Reshoring: Economics, Regulations and Capital MarketsTR 1:00pm-4:00pmSpragueSchapiro Hall 1371216
- POEC 31 - 01POEC 31 - 01 Honors Thesis: Political EconomyTBA1217
- POEC 99 - 01POEC 99 - 01 Independent Study: Political EconomyTBA1218
- PSCI 14 - 01PSCI 14 - 01 JA SelCom: A Case Study in Selection ProcessesCancelled1219
- PSCI 15 - 01PSCI 15 - 01 Climate Art & ActivismCancelled1220
- PSCI 21 - 01PSCI 21 - 01 Fieldwork in Public Affairs and Private Non-ProfitsTBA1221
- PSCI 22 - 01PSCI 22 - 01 LIFT: Learning Intervention for TeensTWR 3:00pm-6:00pmWachenheim 1161222
- PSCI 23 - 01PSCI 23 - 01 The Practice of PoliticsMWF 10:00am-12:00pmMarkleyHollander 2401223
- PSCI 27 - 01PSCI 27 - 01 The Work of the Supreme Court: A SimulationCancelled1224
- PSCI 28 - 01PSCI 28 - 01 Shakespeare and the Law in the MoviesCancelled1225
- PSCI 30 - 01PSCI 30 - 01 Senior Essay: Political ScienceTBA1226
- PSCI 31 - 01PSCI 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Political ScienceTBA1227
- PSCI 32 - 01PSCI 32 - 01 Individual Project: Political ScienceTBA1228
- PSCI 33 - 01PSCI 33 - 01 Advanced Study in American PoliticsTBA1229
- PSCI 34 - 01PSCI 34 - 01 Jedi Training - Ethical Martial Arts for Scholar AthletesM-F 10:00am-12:00pm
MWF 1:00pm-3:00pmKentGreylock Dining Hall
Paresky 1121230 - PSCI 99 - 01PSCI 99 - 01 Independent Study: Political ScienceTBA1231
- PSCI 99 - 02PSCI 99 - 02 Independent Study: Political ScienceTBA1358
- PSYC 10 - 01PSYC 10 - 01 Yoga, Creativity & MindfulnessMWF 1:00pm-3:00pmEdgertonGoodrich 2071232
- PSYC 21 - 01PSYC 21 - 01 Psychology InternshipsTBA1233
- PSYC 22 - 01PSYC 22 - 01 Introduction to Research in PsychologyTBA1234
- PSYC 23 - 01PSYC 23 - 01 What Comes Next? Critical Approaches to Life After CollegeCancelled1235
- PSYC 25 - 01PSYC 25 - 01 Exploring K-12 Education in the BerkshiresTBABrill,
White1236 - PSYC 26 - 01PSYC 26 - 01 Charter Schools: Designing Innovative Public School Models to Meet Community NeedsMWF 10:00am-12:00pmStolzbergPhysics 1131321
- PSYC 28 - 01PSYC 28 - 01 From "sketchy" to "abusive": Current research on harmful sexual behavior in college studentsWF 10:00am-1:00pmBossongSchow Library Classroom 030B1237
- PSYC 31 - 01PSYC 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: PsychologyTBA1238
- PSYC 99 - 01PSYC 99 - 01 Independent Study: PsychologyTBA1239
- REL 11 - 01REL 11 - 01 Explorations in Embodied Consciousness through Yoga and MeditationTWR 10:00am-12:00pmJudsonTasha Yoga Studio, Spring Stre1240
- REL 30 - 01REL 30 - 01 Senior Project: ReligionTBA1241
- REL 31 - 01REL 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: ReligionTBA1242
- REL 99 - 01REL 99 - 01 Independent Study: ReligionTBA1243
- RLFR 13 - 01RLFR 13 - 01 Creative Portraiture in the DarkroomMTW 10:00am-1:00pmSpencer 1121244
- RLFR 30 - 01RLFR 30 - 01 Honors Essay: FrenchTBA1245
- RLFR 31 - 01RLFR 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: FrenchTBA1246
- RLFR 88 - 01RLFR 88 - 01 French Sustaining ProgramMTR 9:00am-9:50am
MTR 9:00am-9:50amPerianayagom,
Ben AliHollander 040
Hollander 2401247 - RLFR 99 - 01RLFR 99 - 01 Independent Study: FrenchTBA1248
- RLIT 88 - 01RLIT 88 - 01 Italian Sustaining ProgramM-F 9:00am-9:50amSchapiro Hall 1291249
- RLIT 99 - 01RLIT 99 - 01 Independent Study: ItalianTBA1250
- RLSP 30 - 01RLSP 30 - 01 Honors Essay: SpanishTBA1251
- RLSP 31 - 01RLSP 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: SpanishTBA1252
- RLSP 88 - 01RLSP 88 - 01 Spanish Sustaining ProgramM-F 9:00am-9:50amRivadeneira,
Brazeiro Minguta,
Picazo I IniestaHollander 2411253 - RLSP 99 - 01RLSP 99 - 01 Independent Study: SpanishTBA1254
- RUSS 25 - 01RUSS 25 - 01 Williams in GeorgiaTBAOrte, Peter,
Legg1018 - RUSS 30 - 01RUSS 30 - 01 Honors Project: RussianTBA1255
- RUSS 31 - 01RUSS 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: RussianTBA1256
- RUSS 88 - 01RUSS 88 - 01 Russian Sustaining ProgramMWR 9:00am-9:50amYesehinHollander Hall 2011257
- RUSS 99 - 01RUSS 99 - 01 Independent Study: RussianTBA1258
- SOC 31 - 01SOC 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: SociologyTBA1259
- SOC 99 - 01SOC 99 - 01 Independent Study: SociologyTBA1260
- STAT 11 - 01STAT 11 - 01 Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Network DataMWF 10:00am-12:00pmWachenheimB161261
- STAT 12 - 01STAT 12 - 01 Data in Society: Uses and AbusesCancelled1262
- STAT 30 - 01STAT 30 - 01 Senior Project: StatisticsTBA1263
- STAT 31 - 01STAT 31 - 01 Senior Honors ThesisTBA1302
- STAT 99 - 01STAT 99 - 01 Indep Study: StatisticsTBA1264
- STS 99 - 01STS 99 - 01 Independent Study: Science and Technology StudiesTBA1265
- THEA 14 - 01THEA 14 - 01 Intro to StorytellingTR 4:00pm-7:00pmKumarDirecting Studio1266
- THEA 21 - 01THEA 21 - 01 The Art of Being Present: A Gaudino RetreatW 10:00am-4:00pm62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio1267
- THEA 22 - 01THEA 22 - 01 A Filmmaker's WorkshopM 10:00am-4:00pm
T 9:00am-12:00pmHecht62CtrThea&Dance Design Room 18
62CtrThea&Dance Design Room 181268 - THEA 24 - 01THEA 24 - 01 Fashioning FilmRF 1:00pm-4:00pmKennedy,
WaddenImages Cinema, Spring Street1269 - THEA 27 - 01THEA 27 - 01 Performance with Purpose: Introduction to Applied TheatreMW 4:00pm-7:00pmKeyesDirecting Studio1270
- THEA 30 - 01THEA 30 - 01 Senior Production: TheatreTBA1271
- THEA 31 - 01THEA 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: TheatreTBA1272
- THEA 32 - 01THEA 32 - 01 Senior Honors Thesis: TheatreTBA1273
- THEA 99 - 01THEA 99 - 01 Independent Study: TheatreTBA1274
- WGSS 11 - 01WGSS 11 - 01 Becoming an Informed Peer: Taking action on peer prevention, education, and facilitation to build aTBASporbert, Laini,
KavanaghCancelled1275 - WGSS 13 - 01WGSS 13 - 01 Women, Sex, and Gender at WorkCancelled1276
- WGSS 17 - 01WGSS 17 - 01 When Drag Kings Sang the Blues: The Surprisingly Queer History of America's First Pop StarsCancelled1277
- WGSS 31 - 01WGSS 31 - 01 Senior Thesis: Women's and Gender StudiesTBA1278
- WGSS 99 - 01WGSS 99 - 01 Independent Study:Women's and Gender StudiesTBA1279
- WSP 12 - 01WSP 12 - 01 Yoga for AthletesMWF 10:00am-12:00pmEdgertonGoodrich 2071280
- WSP 13 - 01WSP 13 - 01 To Offset or Not to Offset? Carbon Credits and Emissions Reductions at Williams CollegeCancelled1319
- WSP 14 - 01WSP 14 - 01 History of America's Pastime, BaseballTR 10:00am-1:00pmO'KeefeWachenheim 1131320
- WSP 15 - 01WSP 15 - 01 Bronze CastingMW 1:00pm-4:00pmPasapaneSpencer 1271281
- WSP 15 - 02WSP 15 - 02 Bronze CastingTR 1:00pm-4:00pmPasapaneSpencer 1271306
- WSP 31 - 01WSP 31 - 01 Current Issues in Higher Education LeadershipCancelled1282
- WSP 32 - 01WSP 32 - 01 Making a Better Next Semester: Developing Your Academic ToolkitTR 10:00am-1:00pmHanfordGriffin 11283
- WSP 41 - 01WSP 41 - 01 Knitting for Mindfulness (Beginner)TR 10:00am-1:00pmCartSawyer Mabie Room1284
- WSP 43 - 01WSP 43 - 01 Knitting for Mindfulness (Advanced)M 10:00am-1:00pm
R 1:00pm-4:00pmCartSawyer Mabie Room
Sawyer Mabie Room1285 - WSP 48 - 01WSP 48 - 01 Braided Rug Workshop: Resistance to Throw-Away CultureCancelled1287
- WSP 51 - 01WSP 51 - 01 The Arts in Prewar ParisMWF 10:00am-12:00pmCorneliusGriffin 11288
- WSP 55 - 01WSP 55 - 01 Home Economics: Living on your ownMT 4:00pm-7:00pmMontgomery-Nassif1289
- WSP 56 - 01WSP 56 - 01 Thrive: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Music - Unlocking your full potentialTR 10:00am-1:00pmSamson62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio1290
- WSP 95 - 01WSP 95 - 01 Gaudino Fellowship: Immersive Engagement and ReflectionTBA1291
- AAS 125 - 01AAS 125 - 01 Introduction to Asian American StudiesMWF 11:00am-12:15pmSawyer Mabie Room3990
- AAS 215 - 01AAS 215 - 01 Introduction to Asian American LiteratureTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1413617
- AAS 275 - 01AAS 275 - 01 Acting Out: Performativity, Production, and Politics in East Asian TheatresTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room3786
- AAS 284 - 01AAS 284 - 01 Asian American HistoryTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 0013450
- AAS 312 - 01AAS 312 - 01 The 626TF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 1403273
- AAS 364 - 01AAS 364 - 01 Asia and Asian Americans During the Cold WarCancelled3466
- AAS 375 - 01AAS 375 - 01 Asian American SexualitiesCancelled3358
- AAS 384 - 01AAS 384 - 01 Comparative History of Science and Medicine in Asian/Pacific America, 1800-PresentW 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3949
- AAS 415 - 01AAS 415 - 01 Racial Melancholia, Queer MelancholiaMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 3173953
- AAS 498 - 01AAS 498 - 01 Independent Study: Asian American StudiesTBA3006
- AFR 111 - 01AFR 111 - 01 Afro-Modern Dance I: Theory & Practice (Dunham Technique)TF 2:10pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio3957
- AFR 128 - T1AFR 128 - T1 James Baldwin's SongTBA3307
- AFR 190 - 01AFR 190 - 01 Introduction to Afro-Latin American StudiesCancelled3310
- AFR 200 - 01AFR 200 - 01 Introduction to Africana StudiesTR 11:20am-12:35pmHopkins Hall 0023311
- AFR 202 - T1AFR 202 - T1 Narrating Color: Black Women Sing and Write About ComplexionTBA3312
- AFR 206 - 01AFR 206 - 01 African Dance and PercussionMR 1:10pm-3:50pm'62 Ctr Thea&Dance Dance Studi3232
- AFR 222 - 01AFR 222 - 01 Hip Hop CultureTR 11:20am-12:35pmHollander 2413373
- AFR 252 - 01AFR 252 - 01 Patterns of African Diasporas to the U.S.TF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 43315
- AFR 258 - 01AFR 258 - 01 Thinking and Acting Politically in the Long Civil Rights MovementMW 7:00pm-8:15pmGriffin 73687
- AFR 302 - 01AFR 302 - 01 Complexion Complexities: Colorism in Literature, Lyrics & Everyday LifeW 7:00pm-9:40pmSchapiro Hall 2413318
- AFR 303 - 01AFR 303 - 01 The 19th Century and Its ShadowMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 13641
- AFR 322 - 01AFR 322 - 01 Race, Culture, IncarcerationW 1:10pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room3975
- AFR 323 - 01AFR 323 - 01 Comic Lives: Graphic Novels & Dangerous Histories of the African DiasporaTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 1053319
- AFR 335 - 01AFR 335 - 01 Sacred Custodians: Environmental Conservation in AfricaTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 23455
- AFR 336 - 01AFR 336 - 01 The Walter Rodney SeminarMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1373324
- AFR 351 - 01AFR 351 - 01 Creative Conjure: Writing Ourselves Free in the Black American TheatreM 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3966
- AFR 367 - 01AFR 367 - 01 Black History is Labor HistoryMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2403469
- AFR 374 - 01AFR 374 - 01 Technologies of RaceMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 1053355
- AFR 377 - 01AFR 377 - 01 Policing, Punishment, and Protest in African American HistoryMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 2583471
- AFR 385 - 01AFR 385 - 01 Assata Shakur and the War on TerrorMW 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 3173325
- AFR 396 - 01AFR 396 - 01 Relationality and Its AntagonismsW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 3173362
- AFR 410 - 01AFR 410 - 01 CAPSTONE: Black EpistemologiesW 1:10pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 3093326
- AFR 494 - 01AFR 494 - 01 Honors DossierTBA3327
- AFR 498 - 01AFR 498 - 01 Independent Study: Africana StudiesTBA3328
- AMST 101 - 01AMST 101 - 01 America: The Nation and Its DiscontentsTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHollander 0403349
- AMST 108 - 01AMST 108 - 01 Arts of Ancestral Native and Indigenous South America and the CaribbeanMR 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 2313377
- AMST 125 - 01AMST 125 - 01 Introduction to Asian American StudiesMWF 11:00am-12:15pmSawyer Mabie Room3951
- AMST 146 - 01AMST 146 - 01 Introduction to Native American and Indigenous StudiesMW 11:00am-12:15pmGriffin 13350
- AMST 206 - 01AMST 206 - 01 Designer GenesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 43600
- AMST 218 - 01AMST 218 - 01 Black and Brown JacobinsTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock Makepeace3351
- AMST 222 - 01AMST 222 - 01 Hip Hop CultureTR 11:20am-12:35pmHollander 2413372
- AMST 224 - 01AMST 224 - 01 U.S. Latinx ReligionsTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchow Library Classroom 030A3488
- AMST 226 - 01AMST 226 - 01 Gender and the Dancing BodyWF 11:00am-12:15pm62CtrThea&Dance Seminar Rm 1673236
- AMST 240 - 01AMST 240 - 01 Latinx Language Politics: Hybrid VoicesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSawyer 5013494
- AMST 242 - 01AMST 242 - 01 Americans AbroadCancelled3664
- AMST 247 - 01AMST 247 - 01 Cities, Suburbs, and Rural PlacesTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock C3491
- AMST 255 - 01AMST 255 - 01 Patterns of African Diasporas to the U.S.TF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 43316
- AMST 261 - 01AMST 261 - 01 Global GulagsTR 8:30am-9:45amGreylock Makepeace3947
- AMST 284 - 01AMST 284 - 01 Asian American HistoryTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 0013451
- AMST 301 - 01AMST 301 - 01 Theories and Methods in American Studies (Junior Seminar)Cancelled3352
- AMST 308 - T1AMST 308 - T1 The Impact of Black Panther Party Intellectuals on Political TheoryTBA3981
- AMST 312 - 01AMST 312 - 01 Contemporary Immigration LandscapesMR 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 3093511
- AMST 322 - 01AMST 322 - 01 Race, Culture, IncarcerationW 1:10pm-3:50pmSawyer Mabie Room3976
- AMST 323 - 01AMST 323 - 01 Comic Lives: Graphic Novels & Dangerous Histories of the African DiasporaTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 1053320
- AMST 334 - 01AMST 334 - 01 Sexual EconomiesCancelled3294
- AMST 338 - 01AMST 338 - 01 Literature of the American RenaissanceTR 11:20am-12:35pmHorn Hall 103C3629
- AMST 342 - 01AMST 342 - 01 Central American Visual CulturesMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2583502
- AMST 354 - 01AMST 354 - 01 Race/War: Critical Readings on ViolenceW 1:10pm-3:50pmGriffin 53353
- AMST 359 - 01AMST 359 - 01 The American/Asian/European Triad: Globalization, Crisis, and New World OrdersW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 1403968
- AMST 363 - 01AMST 363 - 01 Data for Justice Research PracticumTR 9:55am-11:10amSchapiro Hall 1413012
- AMST 363 - 02AMST 363 - 02 Data for Justice Research PracticumTR 11:20am-12:35pmSchapiro Hall 1413013
- AMST 369 - 01AMST 369 - 01 Gender, Sexuality & DisabilityMR 2:35pm-3:50pmGriffin 53300
- AMST 372 - 01AMST 372 - 01 Technologies of RaceMR 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 1053354
- AMST 375 - 01AMST 375 - 01 Asian American SexualitiesCancelled3357
- AMST 377 - 01AMST 377 - 01 Creative Conjure: Writing Ourselves Free in the Black American TheatreM 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3971
- AMST 379 - 01AMST 379 - 01 American PragmatismTR 9:55am-11:10amSawyer 5013528
- AMST 383 - 01AMST 383 - 01 Comparative History of Science and Medicine in Asian/Pacific America, 1800-PresentW 7:00pm-9:40pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3950
- AMST 384 - 01AMST 384 - 01 Asia and Asian Americans During the Cold WarCancelled3467
- AMST 390 - 01AMST 390 - 01 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsMW 7:00pm-8:15pmHollander 2414011
- AMST 390 - 02AMST 390 - 02 Feminist and Queer Horror FilmsMW 8:25pm-9:40pmHollander 2414012
- AMST 398 - 01AMST 398 - 01 Independent Study:American StudiesTBA3360
- AMST 413 - 01AMST 413 - 01 Dreaming Latina/x Feminist Disability StudiesTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSawyer 5013506
- AMST 415 - 01AMST 415 - 01 Racial Melancholia, Queer MelancholiaMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 3173952
- AMST 428 - 01AMST 428 - 01 Relationality and Its AntagonismsW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 3173361
- AMST 478 - 01AMST 478 - 01 Cold War LandscapesTF 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2583477
- AMST 490 - T1AMST 490 - T1 The SuburbsTBA3482
- AMST 492 - 01AMST 492 - 01 Senior Honors Project: American StudiesTBA3364
- ANSO 205 - 01ANSO 205 - 01 Ways of KnowingTF 1:10pm-2:25pmHopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3245
- ANSO 402 - 01ANSO 402 - 01 Senior SeminarW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 2403246
- ANTH 101 - 01ANTH 101 - 01 How To Be HumanTR 9:55am-11:10amGreylock A3247
- ANTH 217 - 01ANTH 217 - 01 Indigeneity Today: Comparative Indigenous Identities in the US and RussiaTF 2:35pm-3:50pmWachenheim 0193848
- ANTH 219 - 01ANTH 219 - 01 The Art and Archeology of Maya CivilizationTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1373248
- ANTH 240 - 01ANTH 240 - 01 Work as a Cultural SystemTR 8:30am-9:45amSawyer Mabie Room3251
- ANTH 243 - T1ANTH 243 - T1 Reimagining RiversTBA3267
- ANTH 262 - 01ANTH 262 - 01 Language and PowerMWF 8:30am-9:45amSchapiro Hall 1413931
- ANTH 301 - 01ANTH 301 - 01 Sexual EconomiesCancelled3296
- ANTH 324 - 01ANTH 324 - 01 Empires of AntiquityTF 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1373252
- ANTH 334 - 01ANTH 334 - 01 Imagining JosephW 1:10pm-3:50pmHopkins Hall 1053254
- ANTH 398 - 01ANTH 398 - 01 Independent Study: AnthropologyTBA3260
- ANTH 494 - 01ANTH 494 - 01 Senior Thesis: AnthropologyTBA3261
- ARAB 102 - 01ARAB 102 - 01 Elementary ArabicM-F 9:00am-9:50amJeddeeniHollander 2583286
- ARAB 202 - 01ARAB 202 - 01 Intermediate Arabic IIMWF 8:30am-9:45amHollander 2403287
- ARAB 209 - 01ARAB 209 - 01 Saharan ImaginationsCancelled3288
- ARAB 212 - T1ARAB 212 - T1 Distant Encounters: East Meets West in the Art of the European Middle AgesTBA4001
- ARAB 214 - 01ARAB 214 - 01 Divas and Dervishes: Introduction to Modern Arab Music and PerformanceMR 2:35pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 2414045
- ARAB 302 - 01ARAB 302 - 01 Advanced Arabic 2Cancelled3295
- ARAB 307 - 01ARAB 307 - 01 To Die For? Nationalism in the Middle EastTF 1:10pm-2:25pmGriffin 73459
- ARAB 335 - 01ARAB 335 - 01 Rhymes, Romance, and Revolution: Arabic Poetry in TranslationMW 11:00am-12:15pmHollander 0403965
- ARAB 340 - 01ARAB 340 - 01 Arab Women Memoirs: Writing Feminist HistoryCancelled3304
- ARAB 344 - 01ARAB 344 - 01 Language and Power: Political Discourse during and after the Arab Spring UprisingsW 1:10pm-3:50pmJeddeeniSchapiro Hall 2413963
- ARAB 359 - 01ARAB 359 - 01 The American/Asian/European Triad: Globalization, Crisis, and New World OrdersW 1:10pm-3:50pmHollander 1403969
- ARAB 395 - 01ARAB 395 - 01 Decolonial Thought in the Arabic-Speaking World: From Independence to LiberationMR 2:35pm-3:50pmHollander 2403960
- ARAB 403 - 01ARAB 403 - 01 Beyond the Letter: Visual Culture in the Arabic-Speaking WorldMW 11:00am-12:15pmSchapiro Hall 1373299
- ARAB 494 - 01ARAB 494 - 01 Senior Thesis: Arabic StudiesTBA3305
- ARAB 498 - 01ARAB 498 - 01 Independent Study: ArabicTBA3306
- ARTH 101 - 01ARTH 101 - 01 Introduction to European Art Before 1700Cancelled3335
- ARTH 101 - 02ARTH 101 - 02 Introduction to European Art Before 1700Cancelled3336
- ARTH 101 - 03ARTH 101 - 03 Introduction to European Art Before 1700Cancelled3337
- ARTH 101 - 04ARTH 101 - 04 Introduction to European Art Before 1700Cancelled3338
- ARTH 101 - 05ARTH 101 - 05 Introduction to European Art Before 1700Cancelled3339
- ARTH 101 - 06ARTH 101 - 06 Introduction to European Art Before 1700Cancelled3340
- ARTH 101 - 07ARTH 101 - 07 Introduction to European Art Before 1700Cancelled3341
- ARTH 102 - 01ARTH 102 - 01 Art and Architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the PresentMWF 12:00pm-12:50pmLawrence 2313365
- ARTH 102 - 02ARTH 102 - 02 Art and Architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the PresentT 8:30am-9:45amLawrence 0013366
- ARTH 102 - 03ARTH 102 - 03 Art and Architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the PresentT 9:55am-11:10amLawrence 0013367
- ARTH 102 - 04ARTH 102 - 04 Art and Architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the PresentT 2:35pm-3:50pmLawrence 0013368
- ARTH 102 - 05ARTH 102 - 05 Art and Architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the PresentR 8:30am-9:45amLawrence 0013369
- ARTH 102 - 06ARTH 102 - 06 Art and Architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the PresentR 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 0013370
- ARTH 102 - 07ARTH 102 - 07 Art and Architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the PresentR 2:35pm-3:50pmLawrence 0013371
- ARTH 108 - 01ARTH 108 - 01 Arts of Ancestral Native and Indigenous South America and the CaribbeanMR 1:10pm-2:25pmLawrence 2313376
- ARTH 208 - 01ARTH 208 - 01 Chinese PaintingTR 9:55am-11:10amLawrence 0033378
- ARTH 209 - 01ARTH 209 - 01 The Art and Archeology of Maya CivilizationTF 1:10pm-2:25pmSchapiro Hall 1373249
- ARTH 210 - 01ARTH 210 - 01 Intro to Latin American and Latinx Art: Contradictions & Continuities, Postcolonial to the PresentTR 11:20am-12:35pmLawrence 0033380
- ARTH 211 - 01ARTH 211 - 01 Art and Experience in Ancient RomeTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 0023813
- ARTH 212 - T1ARTH 212 - T1 Distant Encounters: East Meets West in the Art of the European Middle AgesTBA4000
- ARTH 223 - 01ARTH 223 - 01 Comic Lives: Graphic Novels & Dangerous Histories of the African DiasporaTR 9:55am-11:10amHopkins Hall 1053321
- ARTH 275 - 01ARTH 275 - 01 Digital Humanities in Art History and Literary StudiesT 1:10pm-3:50pmFischerSchow Library Classroom 030A3405
- ARTH 301 - 01ARTH 301 - 01 Methods of Art HistoryMR 2:35pm-3:50pmLawrence 0033381
- ARTH 321 - T1ARTH 321 - T1 Rebirth of Adam/Eve: Michelangelo's Renaissance Ceiling as an Invitation to Connection and CreationM 7:00pm-9:40pm
F 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 212
Spencer 2124034 - ARTH 322 - 01ARTH 322 - 01 Cold War Aesthetics in Latin AmericaCancelled3407
- ARTH 325 - 01ARTH 325 - 01 The Arts of the Book in AsiaMW 11:00am-12:15pmMumtaz, Murad,
PealeLawrence 0023382 - ARTH 360 - 01ARTH 360 - 01 The Gothic Cathedral: An Art HistoryW 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0013989
- ARTH 361 - 01ARTH 361 - 01 Latinx Sculpture Art: From Altares to Sonic MonumentsMWF 11:00am-12:15pm62 Ctr Thea&Dance Lab G813504
- ARTH 401 - 01ARTH 401 - 01 Museums: History and PracticeW 1:00pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1413645
- ARTH 402 - 01ARTH 402 - 01 Monuments and The Art of MemorialR 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0023384
- ARTH 403 - 01ARTH 403 - 01 Clark Visiting Professor Seminar: Fascism and ArtM 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room3648
- ARTH 404 - 01ARTH 404 - 01 The Enemies of Impressionism, 1870-1900T 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0033385
- ARTH 413 - 01ARTH 413 - 01 The Shosoin Imperial TreasuryF 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0023386
- ARTH 465 - 01ARTH 465 - 01 Contemporary Latin American ArtW 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0023388
- ARTH 472 - 01ARTH 472 - 01 TimelinesW 1:10pm-3:50pmLawrence 0033389
- ARTH 494 - 01ARTH 494 - 01 Thesis SeminarW 7:00pm-9:40pmLawrence 0033390
- ARTH 498 - 01ARTH 498 - 01 Independent Study: Art HistoryTBA3391
- ARTH 501 - 01ARTH 501 - 01 Museums: History and PracticeW 1:00pm-3:50pmSchapiro Hall 1413644
- ARTH 503 - 01ARTH 503 - 01 Clark Visiting Professor Seminar: Fascism and ArtM 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room3647
- ARTH 506 - 01ARTH 506 - 01 Expository Writing WorkshopT 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room3649
- ARTH 507 - 01ARTH 507 - 01 Object WorkshopTBA3650
- ARTH 508 - 01ARTH 508 - 01 Art and Conservation: An Inquiry into History, Methods, and MaterialsMR 5:30pm-7:45pmKesslerClark Art Seminar Room3651
- ARTH 509 - 01ARTH 509 - 01 Graduate SymposiumTBA3652
- ARTH 529 - 01ARTH 529 - 01 Muertos: Ancestral Mexican Arts of MortalityT 10:00am-12:50pmClark Art Seminar Room3653
- ARTH 555 - 01ARTH 555 - 01 Picturing Time in American ArtCancelled3654
- ARTH 563 - 01ARTH 563 - 01 Contemporary Curatorial WorkshopW 4:00pm-6:00pmClark Art Seminar Room3655
- ARTH 588 - 01ARTH 588 - 01 The Scene of Decapitation in European ArtR 1:00pm-3:50pmClark Art Seminar Room3656
- ARTH 589 - 01ARTH 589 - 01 Imitation, Copy, ReproductionM 10:00am-12:50pmClark Art Seminar Room3657
- ARTH 593 - 01ARTH 593 - 01 The Sonic TurnR 10:00am-12:50pmWoolseyClark Art Seminar Room3942
- ARTS 102 - 01ARTS 102 - 01 Drawing IM 10:00am-12:50pmSpencer 3193392
- ARTS 103 - 01ARTS 103 - 01 Drawing IW 7:00pm-9:40pmSpencer 3183854
- ARTS 104 - 01ARTS 104 - 01 Drawing IF 10:00am-12:50pmSpencer 3183393
- ARTS 111 - 01ARTS 111 - 01 Introduction to Video ArtW 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 2163394
- ARTS 112 - 01ARTS 112 - 01 Introduction to Documentary FilmmakingM 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 2163395
- ARTS 112 - 02ARTS 112 - 02 Introduction to Documentary FilmmakingCancelled3396
- ARTS 126 - 01ARTS 126 - 01 Introduction to Digital Photography: Contemporary Photography PracticesF 1:10pm-3:30pmSpencer 1163397
- ARTS 134 - 01ARTS 134 - 01 Mokuhanga and shibori: Explorations in Japanese woodblock printmaking and textile dyingM 7:00pm-9:40pmSpencer 1243928
- ARTS 201 - 01ARTS 201 - 01 Worldbuilding: Design for the TheaterW 1:10pm-3:50pm62CtrThea&Dance Design Room 183196
- ARTS 226 - 01ARTS 226 - 01 Intermediate Photography: Photography and the SensesCancelled3398
- ARTS 229 - 01ARTS 229 - 01 Radical SonicsT 9:55am-12:35pmSpencer 2163399
- ARTS 230 - 01ARTS 230 - 01 Drawing IIR 8:30am-12:50pmSpencer 3193400
- ARTS 236 - 01ARTS 236 - 01 LINOCUTS! An introduction to relief printingW 11:00am-11:50am
W 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 124
Spencer 1243401 - ARTS 239 - 01ARTS 239 - 01 Water-based PaintingM 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 2174006
- ARTS 241 - 01ARTS 241 - 01 Introduction to Oil PaintingM 10:00am-12:50pmSpencer 2253402
- ARTS 251 - 01ARTS 251 - 01 The Personal DocumentaryM 8:30am-11:50amSpencer 2163943
- ARTS 254 - T1ARTS 254 - T1 Architecture as Politics: Space, Design, TechnologyTR 11:20am-12:35pmSpencer 2193403
- ARTS 275 - 01ARTS 275 - 01 Introduction to SculptureT 1:10pm-3:50pmSpencer 1273939
- ARTS 277 - 01ARTS 277 - 01 Intermediate Photography: Hyperobjects and the MundaneW 9:00am-11:50amSpencer 1164025
- ARTS 305 - 01ARTS 305 - 01 Collaboration in PracticeW 7:00pm-9:40pm