Community Members

Williams College

Vaccination against COVID-19 is no longer required, but please note that individual faculty may require masks in class.

Before planning a visit to campus, please read the COVID-19 guest policy.

  • Local residents can audit courses free of charge, under the following conditions:

    • available space in the course
    • approval of the instructor
    • no academic record will be produced
    • no method for verifying participation to outside agencies will be available

    The catalog provides detailed information about the various courses.

    To begin the process contact the instructor and work out the details of your participation—whether or not you should engage in class discussions, take tests, etc.

    If you receive permission to audit, the instructor will need to submit the Williams Affiliation Request form to allow you access to the class.

    Once auditors have the instructor's permission to attend class, please contact Gerrit Blauvelt, Dean of Faculty's Office.

  • High School Students

    Vaccination against COVID-19 is no longer required, but please note that individual faculty may require masks in class.

    Students attending schools in Berkshire County and other nearby communities in Massachusetts and Vermont, and children of faculty or staff may be permitted to take a Williams class, pending review of their academic records by the Admission Office, space availability in the course, and permission of the instructor/department. If you have already completed high school, please see "Other Non-Matriculated Students" below.

    • Typically, high school students may take one class in the fall semester of senior year and one class in the spring semester of senior year, based on course availability and academic records (usually the school transcript and counselor recommendation).
    • Williams waives the tuition for these courses, but high school students are responsible for any costs/fees associated with the course.
    • In general, high school students should have a GPA of 3.8 or higher, be taking advanced high school courses, and have earned 4s or 5s in AP courses in order to be good candidates for Williams courses.
    • Students interested in taking a Williams math course must have completed (or be completing) all math courses offered at their high school, including calculus and statistics.


    • Students should first meet with their school counselor to ensure they have school support and then browse the Williams Catalog which provides detailed information about courses. In general 100- and 200-level courses are appropriate choices.
    • Next, students should complete the Request to Enroll form. School counselors will automatically receive a request for further information. Requests won't be processed until both the student's and counselor's forms (with a current student transcript) have been received by Williams.
    • Requests for fall classes may be submitted beginning August 1. Requests for spring classes may be submitted beginning December 1.
    • A few weeks following submission of the Request to Enroll form, students will receive an approval email to move forward with a Williams course, or a recommendation to seek coursework options elsewhere. Students approved to take Williams courses will then be asked to contact the professor for permission. Proof of instructor permission MUST be sent to registrar​@williams​.edu prior to enrollment in any class.
    • Williams transcripts are automatically sent to high schools approximately two weeks following the grading deadline for the term. Students may order additional official transcripts at

    COVID-19 Protocols

    Please review the student policies and protocols regarding COVID-19.

    Other Non-Matriculated Students

    Vaccination against COVID-19 is no longer required, but please note that individual faculty may require masks in class.

    • Full-time Williams employees and members of their immediate families may be eligible to take courses at Williams at a reduced fee, on a case-by-case basis.
      • Students should email Student Financial Services for tuition information at [email protected].
    • Interested students should complete the Non-Matriculated Student Request to Enroll form.
    • Students should provide a high school or college transcript to admission (transcripts cannot be older than 10 years to be considered).
    • Students may take no more than eight courses in total as a non-degree student.

    The Admission Office and the Registrar's Office will work with individuals to determine eligibility and register for courses. To begin the enrollment process, please contact Dean Mendes, Associate Director of Admission.

    COVID-19 Protocols

    Please review the student policies and protocols regarding COVID-19.

Berkshire Community College

Another option to consider, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at BCC can provide learning opportunities for Berkshire residents that are 50+ years old.