Contract Major Quiz

Take the quiz!

Keep in mind—what is the best educational approach to pursing your specific interests and goals?

1. Are any of these plans an option?

  • two majors
  • major + concentration
  • major + coordinate program
  • major + courses of special interest
  • A Contract Major may not be the best choice to achieve your goals—talk to different departments about what they currently offer.

  • You should consider a Contract Major!

2. Are you in good academic standing with the college? Are you highly motivated? Can you work independently?

  • It sounds like you have what it takes to pursue a Contract Major!

  • Approval of a Contract Major is contingent upon a student's academic record, the coherence and feasibility of the plan of study, and endorsements from faculty.

3. Have you identified at least three full-time faculty-in-residence who specialize in your areas of interest?

  • Great! The next step is obtaining official support from these faculty if you decide to pursue a Contract Major.

  • Having the support of three faculty members is required—you may want to talk to individual faculty to better understand the variety of specialization that exists on campus.

Still unsure if a Contract Major is a good fit? Contact Amanda Turner, Contract Major Advisor.